Author Topic: Clint Eastwood  (Read 1627 times)

I saw someone asking for Clint Eastwood from the Gorillaz, I had made a very good one for private use awhile ago. I'll pack it later.
Part of the song looped:
I'm happy,
Feelin' glad,
I got sunshine,
In a bag.
I'm useless,
But not for long,
My future is coming on.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2008, 11:15:35 PM by TheWorm »

My future is coming on.
 is coming on.
 is coming on.

You looped this song? Cool, I'll download.

Dammit I love the Gorillaz.

And I thought you had looped various Clint Eastwood quotes from the Dirty Harry movies. :(

Go ahead - make my day.

u are the best heres a thought how about you try and make a part of the rap loop and i will love juh even more in the non-gayist way possible