Unknown Chat Spam Source.

Author Topic: Unknown Chat Spam Source.  (Read 647 times)

I was building a new rescue the princess tower, in which there is a beginning sequence of several camera shots of the tower.
However each time the shot changes, the chat is spammed with "Cam4","Cam5" etc.

The words it spams are the camera names from the first tower I made, which is where I copied the events, and as the pictures show, the centre print is in the wrong order for the cameras. This suggests to me that it might be a brick somehow left over from the original tower and overwriting the new text.

I have tried deleting parts of the tower and resetting the minigame to find the source, but it is incredibly inconsistent, sometimes continuing to spam when the entire tower is destroyed, sometimes stopping after just the top is gone.

The only addon enabled besides default was Event_Camera_Control, but that comes with speedkart anyway.

The build is here if you want to look for yourself.

Alternatively, is there a tool that can locate the source of events, or remove all events on a save?

Code: [Select]
-45° Ramp 1x" 15.5 54.75 9.9 1 0 11  0 2 1 1 1
+-EVENT 0 1 onBotSpawn 0 Bot SetAppearance 6 1 3 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 smileyFemale1 AAA-None 1.0 0.9 0.6 0.9 0.5 0.7 0.0 0.4 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.5 0.7 0.9 0.5 0.7 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.5 0.7 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.0 0.9 0.6 1.0 0.9 0.6
+-EVENT 1 1 onBotSpawn 0 Bot PlayGesture 10
+-EVENT 2 1 onBotTouch 0 Bot LookAtBrick lookup
+-EVENT 3 1 onBotSpawn 44 Bot SetBotPowered 0
+-EVENT 4 1 onBotActivated 0 Bot LookAtPlayer 1
+-EVENT 5 1 onBotActivated 0 Bot PlayGesture 20
+-EVENT 6 1 onBotActivated 0 Bot PlayGesture 15
+-EVENT 7 1 onBotActivated 0 Self setColliding 0
+-EVENT 8 1 onMiniGameReset 0 Self setColliding 1
+-EVENT 9 1 onMiniGameReset 0 Self respawnBot
+-EVENT 10 1 onBotActivated 0 Self setEventEnabled 5 13 14 38 39 41 42 0
+-EVENT 11 1 onMiniGameReset 0 Self setEventEnabled 5 13 14 38 39 41 42 1
+-EVENT 12 1 onBotActivated 5000 MiniGame Reset
+-EVENT 13 1 onBotActivated 0 MiniGame ChatMsgAll Camera
+-EVENT 14 1 onBotActivated 0 Client CenterPrint 3
+-EVENT 15 1 onBotDeath 0 MiniGame ChatMsgAll Camera
+-EVENT 16 1 onMiniGameReset 0 MiniGame CenterPrintAll <color:ffffff>Climb the tower! 3
+-EVENT 17 1 onMiniGameReset 3000 MiniGame CenterPrintAll <color:ffffff>Wake the princess! 3
+-EVENT 18 1 onMiniGameReset 12000 MiniGame CenterPrintAll <color:ffffff>Ready? 3
+-EVENT 19 1 onMiniGameReset 15000 MiniGame CenterPrintAll <color:ffffff>Go! 3
+-EVENT 20 1 onMiniGameReset 12000 MiniGame ChatMsgAll Camera2
+-EVENT 21 1 onMiniGameReset 0 MiniGame ChatMsgAll Cam3
+-EVENT 22 1 onMiniGameReset 3000 MiniGame ChatMsgAll Camera
+-EVENT 23 1 onMiniGameReset 15000 MiniGame ChatMsgAll
+-EVENT 24 1 onMiniGameReset 0 -1 _McGate setColliding 1
+-EVENT 25 1 onMiniGameReset 15000 -1 _McGate setColliding 0
+-EVENT 26 1 onMiniGameReset 15000 -1 _McGate fireRelay
+-EVENT 27 1 onMiniGameReset 6000 MiniGame ChatMsgAll Cam4
+-EVENT 28 1 onMiniGameReset 6000 MiniGame CenterPrintAll <color:ffffff>After 1 minute, this passage will open. 3
+-EVENT 29 1 onMiniGameReset 0 -1 _McGate setPrintCount 6
+-EVENT 30 1 onMiniGameReset 7500 -1 _McGate disappear 0
+-EVENT 31 1 onMiniGameReset 0 -1 _McGate disappear -1
+-EVENT 32 1 onBotDeath 5000 MiniGame Reset
+-EVENT 33 1 onBotDeath 0 MiniGame ChatMsgAll <color:ffffff>The Princess is dead. No one wins.
+-EVENT 34 1 onMiniGameReset 9000 MiniGame ChatMsgAll Cam5
+-EVENT 35 1 onMiniGameReset 9000 MiniGame CenterPrintAll <color:ffffff>This key opens the front door! 3
+-EVENT 36 1 onMiniGameReset 0 -1 _McGate setRayCasting 1
+-EVENT 37 1 onMiniGameReset 15000 -1 _McGate setRayCasting 0
+-EVENT 38 1 onBotActivated 2000 MiniGame ChatMsgAll FinalCam
+-EVENT 39 1 onBotActivated 2500 -1 _McGate setEmitter LoveEmitter
+-EVENT 40 1 onMiniGameReset 0 -1 _McGate setEmitter -1
+-EVENT 41 1 onBotActivated 33 -1 _McGate fireRelay
+-EVENT 42 1 onBotActivated 0 -1 _McGate setColliding 1
+-EVENT 43 1 onMiniGameReset 0 -1 _McGate setColliding 0
+-EVENT 44 1 onBotActivated 33 -1 _McGate fireRelay
+-EVENT 45 1 onBotDeath 33 -1 _McGate fireRelay
Code: [Select]
1x1x5" 15.25 54.75 11.7 1 0 11  0 2 1 1 1
+-EVENT 0 1 onBotSpawn 0 Bot SetAppearance 6 1 3 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 smileyFemale1 AAA-None 1.0 0.9 0.6 0.9 0.5 0.7 0.0 0.4 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.5 0.7 0.9 0.5 0.7 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.5 0.7 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.0 0.9 0.6 1.0 0.9 0.6
+-EVENT 1 1 onBotSpawn 0 Bot PlayGesture 10
+-EVENT 2 1 onBotTouch 0 Bot LookAtBrick lookup
+-EVENT 3 1 onBotSpawn 44 Bot SetBotPowered 0
+-EVENT 4 1 onBotActivated 0 Bot LookAtPlayer 1
+-EVENT 5 1 onBotActivated 0 Bot PlayGesture 20
+-EVENT 6 1 onBotActivated 0 Bot PlayGesture 15
+-EVENT 7 1 onBotActivated 0 Self setColliding 0
+-EVENT 8 1 onMiniGameReset 0 Self setColliding 1
+-EVENT 9 1 onMiniGameReset 0 Self respawnBot
+-EVENT 10 1 onBotActivated 0 Self setEventEnabled 5 13 14 38 39 41 42 0
+-EVENT 11 1 onMiniGameReset 0 Self setEventEnabled 5 13 14 38 39 41 42 1
+-EVENT 12 1 onBotActivated 5000 MiniGame Reset
+-EVENT 13 1 onBotActivated 0 MiniGame ChatMsgAll Camera
+-EVENT 14 1 onBotActivated 0 Client CenterPrint 3
+-EVENT 15 1 onBotDeath 0 MiniGame ChatMsgAll Camera
+-EVENT 16 1 onMiniGameReset 0 MiniGame CenterPrintAll <color:ffffff>Climb the tower! 3
+-EVENT 17 1 onMiniGameReset 3000 MiniGame CenterPrintAll <color:ffffff>Wake the princess! 3
+-EVENT 18 1 onMiniGameReset 12000 MiniGame CenterPrintAll <color:ffffff>Ready? 3
+-EVENT 19 1 onMiniGameReset 15000 MiniGame CenterPrintAll <color:ffffff>Go! 3
+-EVENT 20 1 onMiniGameReset 12000 MiniGame ChatMsgAll Camera2
+-EVENT 21 1 onMiniGameReset 0 MiniGame ChatMsgAll Cam3
+-EVENT 22 1 onMiniGameReset 3000 MiniGame ChatMsgAll Camera
+-EVENT 23 1 onMiniGameReset 15000 MiniGame ChatMsgAll
+-EVENT 24 1 onMiniGameReset 0 -1 _McGate setColliding 1
+-EVENT 25 1 onMiniGameReset 15000 -1 _McGate setColliding 0
+-EVENT 26 1 onMiniGameReset 15000 -1 _McGate fireRelay
+-EVENT 27 1 onMiniGameReset 6000 MiniGame ChatMsgAll Cam4
+-EVENT 28 1 onMiniGameReset 6000 MiniGame CenterPrintAll <color:ffffff>After 1 minute, this passage will open. 3
+-EVENT 29 1 onMiniGameReset 0 -1 _McGate setPrintCount 6
+-EVENT 30 1 onMiniGameReset 7500 -1 _McGate disappear 0
+-EVENT 31 1 onMiniGameReset 0 -1 _McGate disappear -1
+-EVENT 32 1 onBotDeath 5000 MiniGame Reset
+-EVENT 33 1 onBotDeath 0 MiniGame ChatMsgAll <color:ffffff>The Princess is dead. No one wins.
+-EVENT 34 1 onMiniGameReset 9000 MiniGame ChatMsgAll Cam5
+-EVENT 35 1 onMiniGameReset 9000 MiniGame CenterPrintAll <color:ffffff>This key opens the front door! 3
+-EVENT 36 1 onMiniGameReset 0 -1 _McGate setRayCasting 1
+-EVENT 37 1 onMiniGameReset 15000 -1 _McGate setRayCasting 0
+-EVENT 38 1 onBotActivated 2000 MiniGame ChatMsgAll FinalCam
+-EVENT 39 1 onBotActivated 2500 -1 _McGate setEmitter LoveEmitter
+-EVENT 40 1 onMiniGameReset 0 -1 _McGate setEmitter -1
+-EVENT 41 1 onBotActivated 33 -1 _McGate fireRelay
+-EVENT 42 1 onBotActivated 0 -1 _McGate setColliding 1
+-EVENT 43 1 onMiniGameReset 0 -1 _McGate setColliding 0
+-EVENT 44 1 onBotActivated 33 -1 _McGate fireRelay
+-EVENT 45 1 onBotDeath 33 -1 _McGate fireRelay
Code: [Select]
-80° Ramp 1x" 16 54.75 11.7 1 0 11  0 2 1 1 1
+-EVENT 0 1 onBotSpawn 0 Bot SetAppearance 6 1 3 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 smileyFemale1 AAA-None 1.0 0.9 0.6 0.9 0.5 0.7 0.0 0.4 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.5 0.7 0.9 0.5 0.7 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.5 0.7 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.0 0.9 0.6 1.0 0.9 0.6
+-EVENT 1 1 onBotSpawn 0 Bot PlayGesture 10
+-EVENT 2 1 onBotTouch 0 Bot LookAtBrick lookup
+-EVENT 3 1 onBotSpawn 44 Bot SetBotPowered 0
+-EVENT 4 1 onBotActivated 0 Bot LookAtPlayer 1
+-EVENT 5 1 onBotActivated 0 Bot PlayGesture 20
+-EVENT 6 1 onBotActivated 0 Bot PlayGesture 15
+-EVENT 7 1 onBotActivated 0 Self setColliding 0
+-EVENT 8 1 onMiniGameReset 0 Self setColliding 1
+-EVENT 9 1 onMiniGameReset 0 Self respawnBot
+-EVENT 10 1 onBotActivated 0 Self setEventEnabled 5 13 14 38 39 41 42 0
+-EVENT 11 1 onMiniGameReset 0 Self setEventEnabled 5 13 14 38 39 41 42 1
+-EVENT 12 1 onBotActivated 5000 MiniGame Reset
+-EVENT 13 1 onBotActivated 0 MiniGame ChatMsgAll Camera
+-EVENT 14 1 onBotActivated 0 Client CenterPrint 3
+-EVENT 15 1 onBotDeath 0 MiniGame ChatMsgAll Camera
+-EVENT 16 1 onMiniGameReset 0 MiniGame CenterPrintAll <color:ffffff>Climb the tower! 3
+-EVENT 17 1 onMiniGameReset 3000 MiniGame CenterPrintAll <color:ffffff>Wake the princess! 3
+-EVENT 18 1 onMiniGameReset 12000 MiniGame CenterPrintAll <color:ffffff>Ready? 3
+-EVENT 19 1 onMiniGameReset 15000 MiniGame CenterPrintAll <color:ffffff>Go! 3
+-EVENT 20 1 onMiniGameReset 12000 MiniGame ChatMsgAll Camera2
+-EVENT 21 1 onMiniGameReset 0 MiniGame ChatMsgAll Cam3
+-EVENT 22 1 onMiniGameReset 3000 MiniGame ChatMsgAll Camera
+-EVENT 23 1 onMiniGameReset 15000 MiniGame ChatMsgAll
+-EVENT 24 1 onMiniGameReset 0 -1 _McGate setColliding 1
+-EVENT 25 1 onMiniGameReset 15000 -1 _McGate setColliding 0
+-EVENT 26 1 onMiniGameReset 15000 -1 _McGate fireRelay
+-EVENT 27 1 onMiniGameReset 6000 MiniGame ChatMsgAll Cam4
+-EVENT 28 1 onMiniGameReset 6000 MiniGame CenterPrintAll <color:ffffff>After 1 minute, this passage will open. 3
+-EVENT 29 1 onMiniGameReset 0 -1 _McGate setPrintCount 6
+-EVENT 30 1 onMiniGameReset 7500 -1 _McGate disappear 0
+-EVENT 31 1 onMiniGameReset 0 -1 _McGate disappear -1
+-EVENT 32 1 onBotDeath 5000 MiniGame Reset
+-EVENT 33 1 onBotDeath 0 MiniGame ChatMsgAll <color:ffffff>The Princess is dead. No one wins.
+-EVENT 34 1 onMiniGameReset 9000 MiniGame ChatMsgAll Cam5
+-EVENT 35 1 onMiniGameReset 9000 MiniGame CenterPrintAll <color:ffffff>This key opens the front door! 3
+-EVENT 36 1 onMiniGameReset 0 -1 _McGate setRayCasting 1
+-EVENT 37 1 onMiniGameReset 15000 -1 _McGate setRayCasting 0
+-EVENT 38 1 onBotActivated 2000 MiniGame ChatMsgAll FinalCam
+-EVENT 39 1 onBotActivated 2500 -1 _McGate setEmitter LoveEmitter
+-EVENT 40 1 onMiniGameReset 0 -1 _McGate setEmitter -1
+-EVENT 41 1 onBotActivated 33 -1 _McGate fireRelay
+-EVENT 42 1 onBotActivated 0 -1 _McGate setColliding 1
+-EVENT 43 1 onMiniGameReset 0 -1 _McGate setColliding 0
+-EVENT 44 1 onBotActivated 33 -1 _McGate fireRelay
+-EVENT 45 1 onBotDeath 33 -1 _McGate fireRelay
There are 39 of these bricks, all with the same events.

I don't know why I didn't think of that.
I got rid of the events in the file and it works fine now.