Tree from another world - Offensive/tribal Messages on Speedykart

Author Topic: Tree from another world - Offensive/tribal Messages on Speedykart  (Read 5389 times)

     So, I was on Anthonyrules' speedykart server, everything was perfectly normal, some people kept dying at the start of the round like usual, I didn't think anything of it. Then, Tree from an other world got into a fight with another player,  for supposedly "ramming" him over and over, however this is not true. It was Tree's fault for swerving over and over at the start of the round, it just so happened to be that he kept ramming into the same player, I don't have any screenshots of him swerving, but I still have three below of his chat. Of course, the player kept arguing back, I wouldn't have made this drama if Tree hadn't been so offensive in chat. Here's the screenshot that I'm posting on this topic.

There are more screenshots, but I don't want to stretch the page, so you can view them here.

I believe that Tree from another world should be banned from Anthony's server. Although Vodka wasn't defending himself in a civilized way, it was still Tree's fault for starting the nonsense.

I didn't know it was spelled niggger

I didn't know it was spelled niggger

I know, at least he didn't spell it as "brother".

One of those jackholes that judge others and call them no-lifers just for being pro.


Came onto Summet's city RPG and said stuff like "black people should be illegal"

Seems like a joke at first but because I've seen this drama I can tell it's not a joke.


He does this on my freaking server, I am hating him so much!!


/big bump

He may have changed his username to "Blockhead18069", obviously, this Blockhead is not an actual blockhead, according to his disrespect and chat, also his #'s are the same as his BLID: 18069

He calls me the "fun ruiner"