
[February 2016] Most anticipated DLC?

Wasteland Workshop
Far Harbor

Author Topic: [MEGATHREAD] Fallout 4 || Contraption, Vault-Tec, Nuka World  (Read 616858 times)

I noticed something like that with followers in NV where someone like boone will sometimes pick up an smg and fire it until it runs out and then switch to another weapon. I also noticed that you can damage or shoot weapons out of peoples hands. Also interesting to see enemies pick up weapons In FO3/NV.

You should be able to have your followers scavenge for ammo or other stuff as you walk

You should be able to have your manservant Gerard scavenge for ammo or other stuff as you walk

You should be able to have your followers scavenge for ammo or other stuff as you walk
doge loot that corpse
*dog meat comes back with a beeping mini nuke*

I got fallout: Anthology. Super excited.
I have this weird shrine to fallout in my room, with a bunch of fallout stuff, home made and bought.
So far, my fallout shelf has/will have:
Wastelander cosplay(Gasmask/NCR ranger helm, trenchcoat, gun, body armour, bullets, bag of caps, random FO paraphanilia.)
Sunset Sarsaparilla (IBC Cream Soda W/Printout)
Nuka Cola (Old Fashoned Coke W/ Printout)
Nuka Cola: Quantum (Glows in the dark, SUPER neat)
Pip Boy (from the Pip Boy Edition)
Lots and lots of Caps strewn about
And the Fallout: Anthology Nuke.
And that's it. Will post pictures when it all arrives.

"With the humans, it can even lead to romances, and that is regardless of whatever gender you're playing."

This seems a little ambiguous, but if it means that you have light-switch characters who switch between gay and straight on a whim, then it's a bad omen for the quality of Bethesda's writing.

This seems a little ambiguous, but if it means that you have light-switch characters who switch between gay and straight on a whim, then it's a bad omen for the quality of Bethesda's writing.

my girl's gonna bang allll the girls

they're bi
Does it mean that all the companion characters will be biloveual though? I kinda liked the NV characters and how they were all different. Making it so that it doesn't matter what gender the player character is just seems like lazy writing.

Does it mean that all the companion characters will be biloveual though? I kinda liked the NV characters and how they were all different. Making it so that it doesn't matter what gender the player character is just seems like lazy writing.

maybe all the standard gender roles and preferences had been abolished after the war

maybe all the standard gender roles and preferences had been abolished after the war
Yes and no. If you lived the settled life style in a community like Shady Sands or Megaton then you will see some traditional roles and norms. Even communities that had reverted to a tribal state like Arroyo had men as hunter gatherers/warriors, while woman tended crops and raised the kids. Outside of that with raiders, adventurers, merchants, mercs and what not the roles aren't as defined.

The Khans of California were a large group of raiders that imitated the Mongols, they often took women captive for pleasure and as trophies. The Khans also had women who would fight along side the men.

or, you know, so that you can be in a relationship with anyone you please.

or, you know, so that you can be in a relationship with anyone you please.

hot irradiated lesbian love-making