
[February 2016] Most anticipated DLC?

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Author Topic: [MEGATHREAD] Fallout 4 || Contraption, Vault-Tec, Nuka World  (Read 583114 times)

Alright, now that you've attacked me a few times I'll assume the flaming rule is no longer in effect for this so I'll go ahead and add what I removed from that post.

Allow me to make a parting remark. I'm not going to tell you to kill yourself or that you shouldn't  even exist; I'm going to tell you exactly how I feel about you and I hope you understand this is from the bottom of my heart. I hope you get married to a beautiful smart caring loving girl that's the light of your life. I hope you pop out kids at least one a year and I hope all of them are stillborn or crippled or mentally handicapped. I hope that pretty wife of your spirals into depression and offs herself. I hope both her family and yours blame you. I hope you turn immortal so you have to live out the rest of eternity knowing that the light of your life is gone forever.

Dude what the forget I'm just trying to talk to you about fallout and you couldn't even do that properly

It's more of a culmination of things man. I would love to just talk fallout but everything has to be an argument when it's you and me. I'm tired of it. I don't want to argue with you. If we can just not argue we can talk but if everything is a confrontation I'm just going to pretend you're not here.

It's more of a culmination of things man. I would love to just talk fallout but everything has to be an argument when it's you and me. I'm tired of it. I don't want to argue with you. If we can just not argue we can talk but if everything is a confrontation I'm just going to pretend you're not here.

Then just talk about fallout gosh

My opinion is that games shouldn't rely on mods to be a fully fledged experience and that you shouldn't HAVE to mod a game. Mods should be a compliment to the game rather than serve as a hotfix for the game's shortcomings.

None of Beth's recent games have required mods to run in any way. I was saying if you don't like a piece of the completed product then mod it. How is that a difficult concept?

Whatever, I'm not up to arguing with some joke ass circlejerk today.

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wee woo wee woo
« Last Edit: August 13, 2015, 08:22:09 PM by Dreams_Of_Cheese »

My opinion is that games shouldn't rely on mods to be a fully fledged experience and that you shouldn't HAVE to mod a game. Mods should be a compliment to the game rather than serve as a hotfix for the game's shortcomings.
I can agree with that. I think Colonial Marines and Arma set a bad precedent for modding. While it's nice to see modders add and fix stuff that devs cut/refuse to fix, it's just bad form to release something completely broken and not fix it because you can have some modders fix for free.

Mods should just be (free) bonus content or just something to compliment the game.

Alright, now that you've attacked me a few times I'll assume the flaming rule is no longer in effect for this so I'll go ahead and add what I removed from that post.

I hope you get married to a beautiful smart caring loving girl that's the light of your life. I hope you pop out kids at least one a year and I hope all of them are stillborn or crippled or mentally handicapped.

I hope that pretty wife of your spirals into depression and offs herself. I hope both her family and yours blame you.

I hope you turn immortal so you have to live out the rest of eternity knowing that the light of your life is gone forever.

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wow being a richard really payed off huh?

Oh please, there is bad change and good change. Look at the reactions to Resident Evil and Dead space after they stopped being survival horror games. Do you think they were like "Yay progress", no they were they were pissed. People were up in arms when EA took out base building in Command and Conquer 4.

I guess it's called progress because that is what selective and biased people say.
It is change, yes but it's obviously change you don't agree with. I do though
I tried getting into Fallout and Fallout 2, but i just never could. Whether that was because I was spoiled by the 3 dimensions of Fallout 3 and New Vegas, or whatever.
I like the improvements posed for fallout 4. Crafting is waaaay more interesting than in Fallout 3 or New Vegas (not sure if there was a crafting system for the originals as I never got that far). Even in some aspects I think that the RPG element that you enjoy is at least slightly improved in regards to not having enemies level with you. We don't know if this change will be good or bad though, the games not even out yet!
I guess what I'm trying to say is Fallout 4 seems like it's an improvement to 3 and NV. I can't say it's an improvement over 1 and 2 though because like I said I haven't played enough and it is a different genre of game. Not sure why Bethesda moved to change Fallout entirely, but I like it.

Just curious, did you ever play Wasteland 2? What'd you think of it? Seems like a spiritual successor to Interplay's Fallout

Just curious, did you ever play Wasteland 2? What'd you think of it? Seems like a spiritual successor to Interplay's Fallout
Going to be fair here, I didn't like Wasteland 2 that much, and that's because it's a squad based strategy game that's a sequel to Wasteland, not really a sequel to Fallout. W2 focuses much more on combat and stats than even Fallout 1+2 do, which sorta put me off it.

the sad part about wasteland 2 is that it tried to be a squad combat game, but it totally flopped that. cover was useless (or worse, not even existent), ammo was too rare to keep fights from getting frustrating, and enemies tanked bullets like nobody's business.
I liked the moral greyness of it all, but that got sorta old after is happened for the 3rd time in a row. It got predictable is what I'm saying i guess

omg stuff hit the fan in here.

Just curious, did you ever play Wasteland 2? What'd you think of it? Seems like a spiritual successor to Interplay's Fallout
Yes I have, I found it pretty lacking. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't good. Hopefully the directors cut update will fix some of its faults. After Rest, UnderRail, Shadowrun Hong Kong are in the works though so their is still some hope in a dying genre. Ironically though, Fallout was supposed to be the Spiritual Successor to Wasteland. EA at the time held the IP held onto for long time for some reason.

There wasn't much hope for the game with the IP in the hands of Interplay. Tim Cain also went to activision to propose a Fallout like game, however that French bastard Herve Caen remembered that he had the Fallout IP and decided to sell when he heard news of what Tim was doing. The bidders were Tim Cain's company, BioWare, and Bethesda. Had tim got it, it would have been great.

the sad part about wasteland 2 is that it tried to be a squad combat game, but it totally flopped that. cover was useless (or worse, not even existent), ammo was too rare to keep fights from getting frustrating, and enemies tanked bullets like nobody's business.
I liked the moral greyness of it all, but that got sorta old after is happened for the 3rd time in a row. It got predictable is what I'm saying i guess
Pretty much. I hope they take some notes from Fallout tactics next time.

omg stuff hit the fan in here.
boot up RPGCodex if you want to see maximum Bethesda bashing and roasting
« Last Edit: August 13, 2015, 11:52:49 PM by Harm94 »


kaz never changes...

Except I've been playing you for ten years my friend. A decade here. Try and understand that.
You'd be right. Ephi finishes it up. Good night gents.

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I'm gonna strike through what's wrong so you can understand better. I don't really expect you to understand since, as I said, you're beneath me but I can try nonetheless. Nope, I'm just saying I'm better than you and Dez. If you consider either of you to be the people of most worth on the forums then I regret to inform you that you have been sadly mistaken.

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I was going to humor you but I decided you weren't really worth it. You're stuff, everything you've said is stuff, you're family is stuff, your action figures are stuff, your school is stuff, your arguments are stuff, your name is even stuff for forgets sake. You. Just. Don't. Get. It. The reason you don't win an argument against me is because you cannot win an argument against me. No one can. Ever. You and I do not have the same wiring, we don't see an argument the same way. You see it as some sort of intellectual debate. I see it where it's an enjoyable exchange of forget you's and you're ratarded's. You're here, arguing on the internet because if you said anything even remotely close to this to someone in real life, you'd be on the ground. That's why people argue on the internet, they can't do it in real life without getting their stuff handed to them. That's why you're pathetic. That's why you're not worth my time. That's why you'll never understand. You just too far up your own starfish to get it. Calling you stupid is an insult to stupid people. Hell calling you a person is an insult to people. You're going to read through half of this post and say lolumad or look he's just throwing insults again I win. You don't win, you're not going to win and you will never win at anything because surprise life isn't your computer screen. Even if I get banned for this you won't win.

Another week here I come.

Be back later.

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Meh, about time.

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Sorry you've had to deal with this idiot for so long Ike. He seems to have a rock hard hate-on for you.