
[February 2016] Most anticipated DLC?

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Author Topic: [MEGATHREAD] Fallout 4 || Contraption, Vault-Tec, Nuka World  (Read 616781 times)

go to nexus and download the shadow rendering mod, it brought my performance up from like 20 FPS in city to 60+

Can you post a link? I searched up on the nexus and I can't seem to find what you're referring to

I feel like I saw someplace on the edge of the map that looked like a future DLC entrance but that might just be wishful thinking

I'm not even sure if that's something Beth does or if they patch those structures in later, I don't usually play their RPGs until long after all the DLC is out
It's a mix of adding new locations and sometimes editing old ones.

Point Lookout added a boat that wasn't there.
Operation Anchorage edited an empty building I think.
Mothership Zeta edited the Alien Crash site (an easter egg) to start the DLC.
Dawnguard added a new location to trigger the DLC.
Dragonborn edited the Windhelm docks.
Shivering Isles added a new location.
Knights of the Nine edited the church in Anvil.
The smaller, less story based, DLC for Oblivion added brand new locations.
Most of New Vegas' edited places to trigger transport to the DLC, I think.

Chances are at least one of their DLC will edit an otherwise empty location to trigger a DLC.

I've had the game for 9 days.
I've played 76 days.
Kinda bored of it now though, I've done the mainline quest and I'm struggling to find quests which isn't helping settlements, any tips?

Tip for new players: Don't make your luck 10 on start, it makes the game REALLY easy.

I've had the game for 9 days.
I've played 76 days.
loving brutal dude

I'm probably going to stop playing now until the creation kit comes out.

It's been a weird experience playing a bethesda game which has only just been released. I've typically only bought the games 1 year+ after the release, so I get the benefits of getting to tailor make my gameplay with mods.

I'm probably going to stop playing now until the creation kit comes out.

It's been a weird experience playing a bethesda game which has only just been released. I've typically only bought the games 1 year+ after the release, so I get the benefits of getting to tailor make my gameplay with mods.
It will be super interesting to see where modding can take this game. I got Skyrim really close to release and played it vanilla all the way through, then did a main playthrough with a bunch of mods. Seems to be the best way to do a Beth game.

It will be interesting to see the difference between the modded console vs pc experience. I'm guessing consoles won't be able to use anything that injects into the game, and from my memory of skyrim mods, most of the best ones had to use the script extender.

I got a little taste of Fallout 4 when my friend came over on Friday. I probably spent like 20 minutes in the house at the start because those sliding doors, man they're amazing!

It will be super interesting to see where modding can take this game. I got Skyrim really close to release and played it vanilla all the way through, then did a main playthrough with a bunch of mods. Seems to be the best way to do a Beth game.
Doing that really allows you to enjoy the differences huh, kind of like being introduced to a new series then playing it in order so you can appreciate what the new game added compared to the older one; Persona 3 to 4 comes to mind. I did the same thing with Fallout New Vegas, played it on the Xbox 360 first then when I got it on PC the world of modding opened up for me and it was like unwrapping a brand new game.

Doing that really allows you to enjoy the differences huh, kind of like being introduced to a new series then playing it in order so you can appreciate what the new game added compared to the older one; Persona 3 to 4 comes to mind. I did the same thing with Fallout New Vegas, played it on the Xbox 360 first then when I got it on PC the world of modding opened up for me and it was like unwrapping a brand new game.
Exactly what it feels like.

I'm about 56 hours in - probably like halfway through the main quest line - and I still miss everything about hardcore mode and some aspects of the karma/100-point systems. I love the game like crazy but I found some more things I miss from fonv

 - pump action shotgun :(
 - overall wider base weapon selection
 - my fully-modded .50 cal sniper not being weaker than a fully-modded laser rifle
 - melee not seeming so useless. I don't use melee in any form aside from bashing
 - ammo types. I like having on-the-fly tactical choices; modding to achieve AP isn't convenient
 - the whole 'stim your companion' thing is great and all but when get bored or they get caught in the crossfire of a stray missile or sledge-swing I want to see ragdoll
 - Boone

regardless of all of the things, I'm starting to like fo4 more than fonv, but it's not quite there yet

as far as companions go, or at least the ones I have the option of recruiting:

 - Preston: too much of a boy scout & I don't like his slow-ass musket
 - Strong: great lol too much of a richard for my current character though
 - MacCready: Haven't used yet
 - Piper: cute + her personality is like a more mature version of my ex + I kind of miss my ex = Piper is my favorite
 - Dogmeat: awesome. for some loving reason I can't find him anymore, what did I do
 - Valentine: easy second place
 - Danse: ain't stealthy for stuff
 - Codsworth: ain't stealthy for stuff and he's the only one I can't stand being a smartass when I pick up junk
 - Deacon: Haven't used yet but I like his personality
 - That one slut with the accent: slut

- That one slut with the accent: slut
youre gonna regret that

There should be a Power Armor leg mod that lets you sprint indefinitely at greater Fusion Core cost

I hope they let Obsidian make another Fallout on the new engine; they'd be unstoppable.