
[February 2016] Most anticipated DLC?

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Author Topic: [MEGATHREAD] Fallout 4 || Contraption, Vault-Tec, Nuka World  (Read 616902 times)

I liked Fallout 3's pacing better where energy weapons were medium to high tier and you wouldn't even get a laser pistol until a few hours in.
Or if you were an evil forget you'd have one by hour 1. :)

Or if you were an evil forget you'd have one by hour 1. :)
I always make 3 playthroughs. One where i'm a goody two shoes, and a second one where i'm outright E-Vile.

Third playthrough is me try to react realistically so i'm always kind of in a grey area with my actions.

I just try to get through the story however it makes sense to me the first time, then super good, then super evil
Also as a man the first time, then as a woman, then which ever I want as many times as I want after that

then comes the modded playthrough after creation kit hits. Where i'll be running around with clown shoes shooting mini nukes from a chaingun

then comes the modded playthrough after creation kit hits. Where i'll be running around with clown shoes shooting mini nukes from a chaingun
i do the hardmode versions generally, ie frostfall for skyrim and hardcore rebalance for new vegas with project nevada.
can't wait to see what kind of modding options open up for this one though, with extremely official modding support.

I liked Fallout 3's pacing better where energy weapons were medium to high tier and you wouldn't even get a laser pistol until a few hours in.
That's fair, and I was happy with that.
I just didn't like how you seemed to have very little choice in the beginning of NV. You were either using the Varmint rifle given to you, probably a 9mm too, and then you may have gotten the 9/10mm SMG (can't recall which), or a shotgun from a powder ganger.

And then pretty much from Goodsprings to at least Novac, if not New Vegas, you were only going to ecounter people using the same weapons/ammo.
Like, you don't even fight any robots in what seems like the whole south of the map.

I think one mod i'd love for the game right off the bat would be a different effect for incineration by energy weapons. Like instead of ash it leaves behind a skeleton instead.
I really really want this.
I liked the fact that energy weapons had that chance of incinerating enemies, but it also got boring eventually, because each incineration is identical.

Whereas with ballistic attacks, you're either going to take a limb off, or blow up the body with bloody mess. Some eyeball might shoot past your screen, or another enemy get slapped by his friends torso. You can have a laugh.
I like that simpleton sort of entertainment, I won't lie.

can't wait to see what kind of modding options open up for this one though, with extremely official modding support.
that's how pretty much every fallout and TES game since morrowind has been

that's how pretty much every fallout and TES game since morrowind has been
Perhaps he's implying that the Devs will be even more supportive of modding this time around and we'll have even less limitations?

i just hope ammo isn't plentiful as forget like in 3 and NV
i want to reserve ammo, i want to use melee, but there is no point if i have truckloads of ammo lying around
i would just be handicapping myself

i just hope ammo isn't plentiful as forget like in 3 and NV
i want to reserve ammo, i want to use melee, but there is no point if i have truckloads of ammo lying around
i would just be handicapping myself

set luck to 1 and play on max difficulty.

set luck to 1 and play on max difficulty.
ok, but not completely handicapped at the same time

I wonder if pacifism would be a viable option in this game
or at least fists only

Well, I just ruined the game for myself by looking at a stuff ton of spoilers... I really regret it.
The game looks super loving sick though.

i haven't seen any real story spoilers so i'm good

I wonder if pacifism would be a viable option in this game
or at least fists only
all life
is pure