
[February 2016] Most anticipated DLC?

Wasteland Workshop
Far Harbor

Author Topic: [MEGATHREAD] Fallout 4 || Contraption, Vault-Tec, Nuka World  (Read 584134 times)

yeah the story was stuff
taemgod kcuf ot teg uoy
you know what i think i change my mind about waiting for a furry player character mod

Im going to name my character Courier out of originality.
I'll probably do Boxcar when I pick it up. Invest points into strength and focus on hard hitting weapons like the rocket launcher and sledge hammer. Maybe cereal box  in hopes that npcs yell out that name.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2015, 06:00:48 PM by Harm94 »

I'll probably do Boxcar when I pick it up. Invest points into strength and focus on hard hitting weapons like the rocket launcher and sledge hammer. Maybe cereal box  in hopes that npcs yell out that name.
Im probably just gonna invest all my points into intelligence because thats always the smartest thing to do in Fallout 3/NV

High intelligence is pretty nice, but I like agility, strength, and endurance since I tend to run into more fighting situations.

Im probably just gonna invest all my points into intelligence because thats always the smartest thing to do in Fallout 3/NV
I dont know if that would really be that smart of a move now that skill points are gone and intelligence just has to do with perks and giving more exp per thing

So what are guys going to focus your characters on? I planned to going with explosives, melee, and barter as my perks.

I'll be going after S.P.E.C.I.A.L. and Perks that help me with Charisma, Lockpicking, Science/Computers etc. I want to explore everything.

sniper rifles and lockpicking, hacking, etc

So what are guys going to focus your characters on? I planned to going with explosives, melee, and barter as my perks.
Probably Speech, guns, and dunno for the 3rd.

Good god I got the ending spoiled for me

I'm probably going to max out Perception and Luck if I can

I dont know if that would really be that smart of a move now that skill points are gone and intelligence just has to do with perks and giving more exp per thing
Mm, I've been wondering about this.

It will be a change, since I will have to choose SPECIAL attributes to focus in, in order to gain access to/improve abilities I took for granted (for example, lockpicking, hacking, healing, pickpocketing, healing).
I usually make good use of all of those, so I suppose if I want to be decent at all of them, then I will need to have quite a balanced SPECIAL.
Especially as it seems some of the abilities normally associated with Intelligence, like hacking, repairing and healing, are now spread to other SPECIAL (repair is associated with Strength and Intelligence now, depending on what you're building/repairing).

I'll be going after S.P.E.C.I.A.L. and Perks that help me with Charisma, Lockpicking, Science/Computers etc. I want to explore everything.
I think this is the best bet for me, IMO.
Probably have Intelligence semi-high, and maybe Strength. Will probably sacrifice Luck (to an extent, as I want Bloody Mess), and maybe Endurance, since I don't mind having a tougher time surviving if I can explore more.

I'm curious how many means we will have to improve our SPECIAL after choosing them at the beginning.

Like, Fallout 3 had the bobbleheads, and New Vegas had the Implants.
Plus some later perks from DLC improved you too.

how do i get meters back up in fallout shelter once they're really low. also how do i get more lunchboxes without buying them?

how do i get meters back up in fallout shelter once they're really low. also how do i get more lunchboxes without buying them?
You can get lunchboxes sometimes for completing your objectives. It'll say on the objective if a lunchbox is a reward, I believe.
The objectives update quite often.