
[February 2016] Most anticipated DLC?

Wasteland Workshop
Far Harbor

Author Topic: [MEGATHREAD] Fallout 4 || Contraption, Vault-Tec, Nuka World  (Read 582641 times)

I can't even get sanctuary hills to go over 8.
I've got a beacon there, turned on and calling in new people.

And we've plenty of defense, food, water and excess beds.
Not entirely sure why no one will turn up.
I'm also not sure, but I think most of my population is made up of my companions, if they actually count towards the limit. (I think they do, because the airport registered as one, after I sent Danse to it).

it usually hovers around 10-12 if you leave them and they're safe for a while. most settlements automatically get 5 if you add a beacon, i just take two from all of those and send them to my main

also heres some pics of my main settlement, ford independence (with shoddy self made repairs)
(click for full res)

i dunno if it was posted before in the thread but the shack foundation (...wood -> floors) is the only main building block in the game that can clip through most objects. its p useful

mind the giant richard building, hopefully it will be the first of many and wont look so out of place

So what are your guys playtimes like?

I'm 74 hours of play (not sure how accurate, since I pause and leave running a fair amount).
1 character (level 35).
66% through main story.
30/50 achievements.

69 hours (no kidding)
1 character (level 54)
100% through main story
36/50 achievements

I'm working on collecting all the bobbleheads while waiting for Sanctuary to hit 100% happiness, the latter of which is apparently one of the hardest things to do and basically requires building a ton of shops and waiting around to cheese the system

Unfortunately it seems there's a major bug with Vault 75 that's causing the key cards necessary to reach certain parts of the vault (namely the one with the bobblehead in it) to not spawn, when I first got there I found Brotherhood of Steel members attacking the Gunners inside (and eventually me, because they're pissed) which I guess stopped the "Vault 75" quest from triggering

I can't even get sanctuary hills to go over 8.
I've got a beacon there, turned on and calling in new people.

And we've plenty of defense, food, water and excess beds.
Not entirely sure why no one will turn up.
I'm also not sure, but I think most of my population is made up of my companions, if they actually count towards the limit. (I think they do, because the airport registered as one, after I sent Danse to it).

The number of people you can have in a settlement is tied to your Charisma

55 hours, 28 achievements, level 28.

Been playing on Very Hard and only now is stuff hitting the fan.

i have 400 stimpaks. i have X-01Mk.VI with full upgrades in each part. i have like 78 fusion cores, 50 of which are still unused. my only real enemy are institute laser turrets, those things do forgetloads of damage despite the armor i'm wearing.

BTW there is no limit for population in settlements. found someone with a total pop. of like 30 on youtube.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2015, 03:10:02 AM by Ceist »

it appears that 22 is the maximum population for any given settlement
You can go over this amount if you take anything that temporarily increases your charisma, and then move people from another settlement into your main one.

What level is everyone at? I'm somewhere half-way through level 46

Well, that's it

I'm left with nothing but repeatable quests (not including some I undoubtedly missed and won't stumble across this time), and the only achievement I can get without starting another playthrough is to wait around for Sanctuary to hit 100 happiness

It's a bittersweet feeling

i want to create my standard character virilio with a focus on strength and luck but also i need the game first

such is the horrors of commerce

One of my friends had told me that there was a sniper rifle in the water in thicket excavation(quarry near the top left part of the map) Is it true?

google it or find out yourself m8.
How about instead of telling me to Google something that yields a wikia link you could tell me, yes there is a rifle or there is no rifle.

Literally you had quite a bit of time to google it for yourself. A good eight hours for you to find out by reading and find out a lot more info.
It's so sime to do
« Last Edit: November 19, 2015, 08:41:49 AM by Space1255 »

I don't want to go to wikia because I don't feel like spoiling the whole area if there is anything else to do there. A simple yes or no would be nice.