
[February 2016] Most anticipated DLC?

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Author Topic: [MEGATHREAD] Fallout 4 || Contraption, Vault-Tec, Nuka World  (Read 612552 times)

You immediately change the subject after you've been proven to be an ass. You do it to draw attention away from that.

No, your personal attacks is why I'm not going to continue arguing with you. They are unneeded for this discussion.

Also what's up with the currency system?

I somehow doubt people in the east and west coast would adopt the same caps currency system. Tactics was a little more in the east so they used soda can tabs. I have no idea why caps became a currency in Fallout 3 and 4.

You figure with all these subway tokens laying around in Fallout 4 that they would use tokens as currency.

In Fallout 1 it was caps.

In Fallout 2 caps have been rendered obsolete and replaced with NCR money.

In Fallout Tactics they use soda can tabs and brotherhood money.

Fallout 3 uses caps.

Fallout New Vegas uses NCR, Legion and caps.

Fallout 4 uses caps.

Different regions, different money. That's how it should be.

No, your personal attacks is why I'm not going to continue arguing with you. They are unneeded for this discussion.
It's not a discussion at this point. It's blatant trolling but I'm sure you're well aware of that. If it were really the personal attacks you wouldn't have felt the need to respond to me now. Speaking of personal attacks, I called you dense. Get over it.

like rally said, you're still talking out your ass.

Take a break, most people in the topic don't want you here. Play the game or don't, mod it or don't. No one wants to hear you anymore.

It's probably because of how god damn dense you are.
I could list more but you' probably just say they're not silly.

Speaking of personal attacks, I called you dense. Get over it.

Your hostility is too great. You wonder why I change the subject on you.

Your hostility is too great. You wonder why I change the subject on you.
lol only one of those are personal attacks. Like I said, get over it. You've said and done far much more worse than this.
You don't change the subject on me either, you do it to everyone who can prove you're making an ass out of yourself.

You don't change the subject on me either, you do it to everyone who can prove you're making an ass out of yourself.

Actually every point you made I already had a counter point. However I already knew you were just going to use another personal attack and ramble onto your next counter point which I will thus counter again.

It's a never ending loop with you that I already foresaw.

Actually every point you made I already had a counter point. However I already knew you were just going to use another personal attack and ramble onto your next counter point which I will thus counter again.

It's a never ending loop with you that I already foresaw.
Whatever you say. Point is, you're just as wrong now as you ever were.
What's your counter point? I didn't see one after the last 'counter-point' was shot down. All I say was you changing the subject to avoid being called out.
Oh yeah and by the way, since you're also such a good people-reader, if it's a never ending loop, AND to ask it again, why do you feel the need to reply to me? lol.

Borderlands isn't post apocalyptic but it still feels more post apocalyptic than fallout 4.
I'm starting to feel like you have no idea what is or isn't post-apocalyptic.

Borderlands is barren, and has some abandoned companies, but that's more inline with its Western theme than being post-apocalyptic (which it's not).

Maybe that's why you like NV so much since that was practically a western with lasers.

NV is civilization rebuilding itself. The the bombs nuked Mohave desert back to the wild west.

If there is any nuclear apocalypse the inhabitants of that region would revert back to the past. Say if some junkyard man decided he wants to be a king and makes his own junk castle. The region in that area would basically revert back to the middle ages.

Dead Money the region in that area reverted back to tribals/cavemen with the lack of schooling.


Some guy in a post apocalyptic environment could pick up an old history textbook of Riddler and decide to run his own national socialist group, thus creating national socialists all over again.

That's what caesar did in NV. He's basically some guy that read some history books.

It's all about the region.

With all the castles and revolutionary stuff you do actually see some people trying to reenact it in Fallout 4 but it's not as heavily emphasized as it should be. Hanrooster, the minutemen and captain ironsides is one of the bigger examples.

They just aren't as fully fledged out as they should be.

Maybe that's why you like NV so much since that was practically a western with lasers.

You see a "western with lasers."

I see a post apocalyptic environment with inhabitants taking advice from pre-war western billboards and tv shows around the area.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2015, 08:21:03 AM by Lord Tony® »

my name is


and my opinions on games

suck almost as much as my post formatting

« Last Edit: December 23, 2015, 11:26:11 AM by Lord Tony® »

There is no such rule for formatting.