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Author Topic: [MEGATHREAD] Fallout 4 || Contraption, Vault-Tec, Nuka World  (Read 612553 times)

I'm starting to understand why you prefer stories with no essential characters. You have the emotional intelligence of an ant.

Actually correct me if I'm wrong and I'm not.

It's more emotional to have your companion die. Also makes situations more tense and you may be forced to have your companion wait or retreat more often.

However the companion can't die so the stupid companion is basically a meat shield being used to kill enemies zombie style.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2015, 11:34:03 AM by Lord Tony® »

Preston Garvey quests "go here, kill x" yawn


Preston's quests are dynamic Minuteman quests which are for expanding the influence of the minutemen. At-least it's better than running around doing absolutely mundane linear stuff for your faction, like in New Vegas.


These are just in the base game too. The DLC's haven't even come out yet.

Actually correct me if I'm wrong and I'm not.
It's more emotional to have your companion die. However if your companion can't die you don't feel attached to it and you just end up using the companion as a meat shield for really touch situations.

People cried because the dog in mad max 2 died. If the dog was immortal no one would give a stuff about the stupid thing.

There are moments in Fallout 4 where companions die due to the storyline. And they hit pretty hard.

You're right. It would be sad if your companion got blown up by a Self Deleter or a car or some stuff. It would also be just kinda frustrating and stupid. So people would just quick load, because there's no consequence for doing so. Do you want to remove saving as well?

Some people who were fine with the OPTION of having their companion die wouldn't reload once they died.

Preston Garvey's quests are bland and generic and boring and each quest is the same. Stop using that as a defense.


Cait - kill gunners.
Curie - the only one that doesn't involve killing lol.
McCready - Kill Winlock & Barnes.
Nick - kill eddie.

Cait - kill gunners.
Curie - the only one that doesn't involve killing lol.
McCready - Kill Winlock & Barnes.
Nick - kill eddie.
Boo loving hoo. You were literally crying over companions not having quests, and now you're bitching about what the quests are. Seriously, just leave, you're not wanted in this topic.

Boo loving hoo. You were literally crying over companions not having quests, and now you're bitching about what the quests are. Seriously, just leave, you're not wanted in this topic.

They are generic quests.

The NV companions had more intricate and original quests.

They are generic quests.

The NV companions had more intricate and original quests.
Then quit playing the game. You've literally agreed earlier that if we liked the game how it is, you were okay with it, but here you are spouting stuff about why this is not a 'true' fallout game. Thank god you're not a game developer.

I don;t recruit companions because they can't die. It just makes the game too easy.

Fallout 4 Megathread

More like Tony Complains about Fallout 4 Megathread

More like Tony Complains about Fallout 4 Megathread
We seriously need a new executive order

Some people who were fine with the OPTION of having their companion die wouldn't reload once they died.
Preston Garvey's quests are bland and generic and boring and each quest is the same. Stop using that as a defense.

You have the option to but you seem to have this hate-boner for mods, blah blah bethesda is lazy or some stuff. I can teach you how to install them if you need me to, if you're finding it difficult to extract zip files or something on par with your inability to understand that your opinions aren't factual in the slightest. Like I don't get it, if companions could die it would void the entire point of gaining their trust, doing their quests, ect. It may be more 'hardcore' but it's also stuff design. It worked in Fallout: New Vegas where character development was basically non-existent but in Fallout 4 the characters kinda have to be alive for more than 3 seconds for their presence in the game to even be worthwhile.

Prestons quests can be repetitive but there's nothing more satisfying than opening up your pip boy and looking over all your supply lines between different factions, building in them, watching them grow. It gives you the feeling that your faction is ACTUALLY growing. You don't have to be told it's growing by some boring richardwad in a TV screen because you're the one actually doing the building. Fallout 4 makes you the leader. New Vegas makes you a bitch to someone who's more competent. Maybe that's why you prefer it.

Cait - kill gunners.
Curie - the only one that doesn't involve killing lol.
McCready - Kill Winlock & Barnes.
Nick - kill eddie.

Boone - Kill legionnaires
Rex - Fetch an item from 1 of 3 places
Veronica - Fetch an item for Elder whoever

I can oversimplify stuff for the sake of making my argument seem more valid too. The reality is that all these quests give you great insight into the character's personal lives. In Fallout 4 many times the companion's behavior will change after these quests. Even so you're arguing about something so petty and mundane it's comical, the characters in Fallout 4 are so much better to have than some angsty dude nobody likes and some boring teenage girl who's given up on life. If I wanted to associate with either of these people I would just go watch your stream or text my ex. Fallout 4's characters have depth beyond "here's the first modicum of backstory LoL"

Actually you get to find out why Boone lost his wife.

Veronica also has an unmarked quest of finding a dress.

Actually you get to find out why Boone lost his wife.

Veronica also has an unmarked quest of finding a dress.
In fallout 4, you can figure out why Cait has an addiction and why she behaves the way she does.
It goes both ways man.