Author Topic: Poor/Badmins Thread  (Read 6299 times)

Why is the thread poor?
because all the stuff posts make it poor :(

Badmin ZeAwfulGamer

He kicks because he heard something, if someone sayed "HE DID THIS TO ME" he would believe it, and ban the person. He also defends the owner, who RDMs and when someone kills him in defense, he bans.

Please be aware of this prick.

Is admin on a server, got no money

ogod, never realized i was so poor ;-;

Then why was I kicked twice and muted for 10 minutes with no reason?
for absolutely no reason of course

god that redey1290 guy is just the worst
he bans me because i wouldnt build him a freddy statue on his fnaf rp
dont take this seriously please its a joke

isn't stupid bans, kicks, and mutes for this?

I built a giant snake on a server and got banned cause the host was "into tits"
Admins nowadays.

This didn't need a drama so why post it here?

erjon most likely. He bans people for killing him and disrespecting him. I busted him and gave him a short ban, but he kept spamming my Steam so I blocked that idiot and permabanned him. He's the only one permabanned from my servers so far lol.