Author Topic: Autobahn - Showing his true colors.  (Read 12172 times)

If you haven't realised. Most the admins built the map for him. I normally saw him telling them to build stuff for him and not the other way round. He was too busy pretending that The Remains was his life and kept getting his admins to ERP with him. Including DerpyCat and AutoBahn and possibly others.

I'm not sure if you have realised but JoeJack is constantly trying to rile up stuff on the server. He is jealous because his manifested reality has been taken away from him. The only stuff I am seeing is what Auto said to him and all the bad things JoeJack said had been cut out.

JoeJack has been waiting for an opportunity like this where he can poke Auto until he eventually finds something that AutoBahn has said which will get him shamed on in drama. You guys all dissed me for doing this stuff. So I dont see why this is an exception for him AT ALL.
Joe has every right to be pissed about someone stealing his server. I don't blame him.
For christ's sake, can you not read?
Auto took control of the server because not only he, but EVERYONE on the server agreed that Joe is a terrible admin and that Auto is much better of a host than he ever was. It's not like Auto just took it to take it.
Actually I can read perfectly fine. I don't care how many people thought Joe sucked, Auto stole his server and he's a richard for it.

So I should have just let it rot, even though he was the only problem with the server.
Interesting thought, but he wasn't the only one to work on it. It's been worked on by Xeid, Fav(who had his name taken out of the credits when he was perma'd, by the way, and then put back in when Joe decided to let him back in), Chromo, I, (Scorpion), etc.
So we've all had investment in it. It's not his and his alone, it's the work of a group of people who are dedicated to and enjoy the server. I was just the guy who decided to rally everyone together to stand up to him.

You took it right from under his nose is my point. He trusted you with his server and you decided to say "forget him, let me take it and host it". My problem isnt as much with you hosting it as it is betraying his trust. Not to mention the way you acted in the screenshots was loving abhorrent. Whether he's a jerk or not you dropped yourself down further to his level when you did that.

Pictured: caring about the server

"stay the hell out of my business"

>stole his server


Also, yes you should have let the server rot. It would have hurt no one but him and you could just make a version yourself and everyone would zoom over to that to play.

Pictured: caring about the server

Okay the steam chat log images have nothing to do with caring about the server. Auto was upset at Joe, that didn't have any bearing on whether or not Auto cared about the server.
Giving pointers to improve and a democratic way of hosting aren't caring about the server? How?
He gets the right addons to load the map. How is that not caring exactly?
He banned Joe because Joe was being an starfish, per the usual.

This image is entirely irrelevant.

This image is entirely irrelevant.

It is completely relevant, are you autobahn's attack dog?

Okay the steam chat log images have nothing to do with caring about the server. Auto was upset at Joe, that didn't have any bearing on whether or not Auto cared about the server.
Giving pointers to improve and a democratic way of hosting aren't caring about the server? How?
He gets the right addons to load the map. How is that not caring exactly?
He banned Joe because Joe was being an starfish, per the usual.

This image is entirely irrelevant.
Joe had every right to be an starfish like I just said and the chat logs are entirely relevant. They just further prove that auto is a prick for stealing Joe's server then stuffting on him.

Not to mention the way you acted in the screenshots was loving abhorrent. Whether he's a jerk or not you dropped yourself down further to his level when you did that.
I've already apologized for the most part about what I said in the chatlog. Again, it's because he's basically tried to push my buttons at this point.
You took it right from under his nose is my point. He trusted you with his server and you decided to say "forget him, let me take it and host it". My problem isnt as much with you hosting it as it is betraying his trust.
He's betrayed the trust of others repeatedly. I've already listed Favela as one of the ones who was basically betrayed, as, like I said, he had his name removed from the credits when he was banned despite the fact he contributed to the server. Almost the same thing with Cubular - after he left, Joe turned around and said stuff about him.

It is completely relevant, are you autobahn's attack dog?

Is this seriously what you're coming to? Assuming I'm some kind of brainwashed forget that just supports Auto because he's telling me to? No. I support him because he's not the starfish you people make him out to be.

You all seem to be missing the point that NOBODY LIKED JOE'S ABILITY TO HOST. It was plain to see on the server to everyone that joined. Auto took to server because of that reason, not because he was trying to be an starfish.

Okay the steam chat log images have nothing to do with caring about the server. Auto was upset at Joe, that didn't have any bearing on whether or not Auto cared about the server.
Giving pointers to improve and a democratic way of hosting aren't caring about the server? How?
He gets the right addons to load the map. How is that not caring exactly?
He banned Joe because Joe was being an starfish, per the usual.

This image is entirely irrelevant.

It has a lot to do with it since he said in the chat logs that the server was stuff.
Yeah i can see he gave some nice pointers on what to do.
He might as well ban himself because from what ive seen he stole the server from under joes nose, and then cussed him out on steam. Thats not exactly being a nice person.

Joe had every right to be an starfish like I just said and the chat logs are entirely relevant.
Uh, no. He was being an starfish on the server, not because of the chatlogs.

They just further prove that auto is a prick for stealing Joe's server then stuffting on him.
He stuff on Joe because Joe was stuffting on him behind his back.

Not to mention it wasn't his decision alone. The players decided themselves that they wanted Auto to host. Also let me find something for you:  

Is this seriously what you're coming to? Assuming I'm some kind of brainwashed forget that just supports Auto because he's telling me to?

That's exactly what it looks like right now

I've already apologized for the most part about what I said in the chatlog. Again, it's because he's basically tried to push my buttons at this point.He's betrayed the trust of others repeatedly. I've already listed Favela as one of the ones who was basically betrayed, as, like I said, he had his name removed from the credits when he was banned despite the fact he contributed to the server. Almost the same thing with Cubular - after he left, Joe turned around and said stuff about him.

I dont care what he did, if you do the same thing then you are as bad as him. You are just as much of a richard as he is the way i see it. Him being an starfish is all fine and dandy, but if you do the same thing then you arent suddenly exempted from the same judgement