Author Topic: What are some good couch-multiplayer PC games?  (Read 2364 times)

I know, PC and couch are not synonymous but I'm having some friends over sometime soon and I'd like to know what are some games for PC that can have multiple people playing on the same computer if I hook it up to a widescreen TV. Portal 2 is a given, and I have Gang Beasts. Do you guys know of any other good ones?

battleblock theater

Look on, you might find loads of cool local multiplayer stuff.

any behemoth game

i think l4d2 has a hacked-up split-screen mode

cortex command

battleblock theater

it's kinda sad that a lot of the AAA titles nowadays are getting rid of couch co-op.

it's kinda sad that a lot of the AAA titles nowadays are getting rid of couch co-op.

Honestly the only games on the "next gen" consoles that have split screen that I can think of is Call of Duty and the new Battlefront.

Play surgeon simulator with each person controlling a finger

tried it 10/10 group malpractice is fun

samurai gunn and towerfall

but samurai gunn's a bit too expensive for what it is so it's all up to you. towerfall on the other hand is the stuff

Serious Sam Classics Revolution
Serious Sam 3

If you're wanting some good fps spilt screen games get these. Serious Sam 3 is also a very recent game that has spilt screen.