Author Topic: Fixing Bots firing weapons after dying  (Read 555 times)

Anyone that can fix Bots from Bot_Hole firing their weapons after dying? Its annoying to finally kill one of them(they have perfect aim/reflexes) and then get instantly blown away by a dead guy.

get onBotDamaged event
get the PlayerBot+ events on my mod topic

onBotDamaged > Self > BotFireWeapon

Make sure to set the bot so that it's "friendly" or "neutral" otherwise it will still attack you in a minigame

He's talking about when a bot dies it still shoots. Not looking for an event that help fires the bot's weapon.

I've had this issue before, I fixed it by changing how the damage level works, which is weird.

I think it's a feature...

sudden death
all jokes aside, it is probably a bad add-on. just use trial and error to find what add-on it is.

You could maybe do onbotdeath > bot > set inventory to nothing,  if that event works on bots. I think there is something else that edits bot inventories.