gender neutral kid switched up graduation

Author Topic: gender neutral kid switched up graduation  (Read 15804 times)

Graduation tonight and we have an assembly in school where guys sit on the right and girls on the left well this kid whos gender neutral on only sees people as "human beings" whines to the administration so we switch it up and we just go alphabetical instead and all girls and guys mixed together and guess what....he/she/it doesnt even show up to the assemble
then when we were all putting on our caps and gowns he/she/it threw a fit because the girls where in white and guys in blue and idk if hes refusing to walk or what but its kinda annoying

tl;dr Gender neutral kid doesnt like girls wearing white/boys wearing blue gowns

state your opinions/thoughts/whatever below

We all must adhere to the special snowflakes, for they are superior.

should of just said it was by love and not gender

The guy expects the world to stop because of their very specific complaint.

Oh boy why even bother trying to keep him at graduation.

should have tarred and feathered the little tumblr whiner

bet the kid is another tumblr SJW

bet the kid is another tumblr SJW
We must proceed with the Artificial Selection. Do the honors, Slayzer.

well, splitting up girls and boys is ridiculous anyway
so is having different colored gowns

i honestly think he was kicked out of graduation for messing it up

should have tarred and feathered the little tumblr whiner

i honestly think he was kicked out of graduation for messing it up
if he was going to be kicked out of it for that, they wouldn't have changed it in the first place

i mean
splitting up girls and boys is ridiculous anyway
so is having different colored gowns

but it sounds like he was bein a bit of a babby about it which isn't cool

I'm letter neutral; I think all letters are the same. Stupid cis gendered chauvinistic tribals probably determined this!

for forgets sake i hate people like this

I'm cis and i'm proud of it forget off.