Author Topic: Seawolf Attack Submarine - (Patch 1)  (Read 15133 times)

Seawolf-Class Submarine


  • Impact Damage
  • Unguided Torcreep
  • Guided Torcreep
  • UAV Designated ICBM


Standard-issued attack sub.

Unguided Torcreep - Click to fire, click to detonate
Guided Torcreep - maintain aim on target, click to detonate
ICBM - Launch a UAV to designate a ground coordinate. Depth lock must be engaged at a depth greater than 1 to launch UAV

[Light Key] - toggle lock current depth and raise/lower periscope
[.] - Next weapon
[Shift] - Descend
[Space] - Ascend

A flying laser pointer used to designate coordinates for the ICBM. Mind the battery and signal strength; if either reaches 0, it will be destroyed.
A destroyed UAV will take 30 secs to regenerate.
Holding laser on will drain the battery faster.
Return to sub to regenerate the battery.

[Mouse1] - Designate coordinate
[Light Key] - Launch ICBM when coordinate designated

Known Issues
Console Spams OnBoatTick
Missing Particles


ICBM Hatch
ICBM Projectile

Requires HeightControl
« Last Edit: June 13, 2015, 05:31:53 AM by Str4tofortress »

it's very aquaward when you forget to pull the periscope down!

strato be makin' moves today.

This looks very strong, i must test it first.

this is the best thing ever made for blockland

what ever happened to the old sub? the one that looked like a spaceship

Oh yes you released it!
Sause too!

Oh yes you released it!
Sause too!
What is the sause for?