Author Topic: Reddit banned some subreddits & pissed off hundreds of thousands of people  (Read 12796 times)

Well your joke came off as something serious. Remember that you are communicating in text, so trying to detect the right emotion and tone that author intended to have the text read in is virtually impossible.

But yeah the joke wasn't funny, however your mission to post a joke is complete. I'm not going to ask you to leave, but now that you stated what your intentions are. I think there is no need to continue this argument. I am sure we can both agree on that and hopefully let this thread return to it's original argument about the brigading and mass banning on the subreddits.

God what a clusterforget today has been...

Hey, people don't like Tumblr here.
no way!
It's for good reason too.
lemme hear that reason, cause it better be great enough to justify the constant stream of piss that follows every time i post in any thread ever
Well your joke came off as something serious. Remember that you are communicating in text, so trying to detect the right emotion and tone that author intended to have the text read in is virtually impossible.

But yeah the joke wasn't funny, however your mission to post a joke is complete. I'm not going to ask you to leave, but now that you stated what your intentions are. I think there is no need to continue this argument. I am sure we can both agree on that and hopefully let this thread return to it's original argument about the brigading and mass banning on the subreddits.
personally, i would question the perception ability of anyone who took my plea to delete a wildly popular website seriously.

but yeah carry on or whatever

lemme hear that reason, cause it better be great enough to justify the constant stream of piss that follows every time i post in any thread ever
Hey, only you can tell me why people associate you with Tumblr. I'm not the one tossing around 'Tumblrina' and 'SJW', so I'm not the right person to ask.

i would question the perception ability of anyone who took my plea to delete a wildly popular website seriously.

but yeah carry on or whatever
Well that is Poe's law for you, but I'm glad we reached an understanding.

you know what its late at night and i got irritated and overreacted, i shouldn't have derailed the thread like that. i apologize, and again please go back to normal on-topic discussion.

you know what its late at night and i got irritated and overreacted, i shouldn't have derailed the thread like that. i apologize, and again please go back to normal on-topic discussion.
No problem dude, I'm just glad we reached a desirable conclusion to this debacle.

I only browse one subreddit. Tip of My Joystick. It's the best, most friendly, respectable and comfortable place on the whole internet. Burn the rest of Reddit and keep ToMJ. That'll fix it.

Well, the subreddits I visit are still intact. :D

"you're not letting me stuff talk people i don't like!! THOSE ARE MY FREE SPEECH RIGHTS!!1!"
are you implying i said that? 'cause i didnt
the only reason i even got a reddit account was to post on /r/polandball and /r/paradoxplaza, and then i wandered into the rest of it a couple of months ago but i still dont really know what's going on, no idea if i'm even banned.

on the same day CWC is having his trial


You gotta admit, those names are pretty funny, especially "transcigarettes". Who even comes up with this crap? The person behind this must really be some nerd.

gotta love how one half of reddit is freaking out and the other half is just kinda chilling.

IMO all of these people making those posts are idiots

I feel like Nero watching Rome burn.

I feel like Nero watching Rome burn.
The only thing that's on fire is the stuffter because that's all those subreddits are.
RIP in piss.