Author Topic: Reddit banned some subreddits & pissed off hundreds of thousands of people  (Read 12377 times)

I didn't read too much of this thread, but imgur went through something a little like this. Imgur admins were removing front page posts that had nudity and everyone got pissed because they couldn't look at research on imgur. There may be more to it, but thats my understanding anyway.

I would love to see a site like reddit with zero moderation, the only thing controlling the content being the upvotes.

Over time I have basically stopped submitting anything I make to reddit, after dealing with stuffty mods and handicapped self promotion rules.

On to the subject at hand, the subreddits they banned were horrible, but where do you draw the line? There's plenty of offensive stuff and even cruel stuff on reddit, but reddit has always kind of let it exist.

Honestly though I think people are overreacting, I mean at the end of the day it is just a website, if reddit destroys itself a replacement will come eventually.

I would love to see a site like reddit with zero moderation, the only thing controlling the content being the upvotes.

didn't a subreddit tried that and failed?

didn't a subreddit tried that and failed?

Probably, I mean a totally separate site from reddit though.

if reddit destroys itself a replacement will come eventually.
A bit of the same scenario happened to 4chan, and 8chan came out of it, so I wouldn't be surprised if reddit at least tried.

at least spacerichards is still alive

I get why they banned them but why are subreddits like watchpeopledie, stuffredditsays, deadkids, coontown, etc not banned?

Also all this did is spread the people from that subreddit to everywhere else, so good job with that

freedom of speech is an ethical obligation as well as a legal one (in civilized countries)

specifically ban the people that are harrasing others in their non-online lives, don't touch anything else
really anyone who whines about hate speech shouldn't be allowed to moderate a forum
« Last Edit: June 11, 2015, 04:05:10 PM by Nomel »

Still think it would be better if they just allowed every user to filter out sub reddits they never want to see. Keep the site the way it was, but allow the user to choose how they use it.

I checked this website out today and the people in there are so loving stupid.

I think it's more about the principle of the matter. The internet is about absolute freedoms, even if that means things like stormfront or /r/picsofdeadkids. It's all or nothing; you don't get to pick and choose. Once people take away one form of freedom, what's to stop the rest from going?

What's that one joke about not defending other things until you find yourself alone under attack with no one to defend you?

why did /r/fatlogic have to go down with /r/fatpeoplehate? One is about the rudeness, greed, and ignorance of some people who happen to be fat, and the other is simply bashing on people simply for being fat

but hey on the bright side /r/fatpeoplestories is still around (hehe) so i won't miss out on hearing a good hamplanet story

I think it's more about the principle of the matter. The internet is about absolute freedoms, even if that means things like stormfront or /r/picsofdeadkids. It's all or nothing; you don't get to pick and choose. Once people take away one form of freedom, what's to stop the rest from going?
They were banned for brigading and harassing imgur administration- not becuase they were targeted by reddit administration.

What's that one joke about not defending other things until you find yourself alone under attack with no one to defend you?
First of all, that wasn't a joke. The person who made that statement was Martin Niemoller, and he was imprisoned and put into a concentration camp by a national socialists. If that's your idea of a joke then apparently jokes aren't supposed to be funny anymore. Guess that's where the "jokes" at r/fph came from.

Secondly, this isn't like the national socialists jailing somebody for speaking out against the invasion of Poland or the ghetto-ization of the Jews. This is like the owner of an apartment building throwing out a bum who pisses out of a second story window onto the pedestrians below. Apples and oranges.

They were banned for brigading and harassing imgur administration- not becuase they were targeted by reddit administration.
Because imgur banned their content without warning or reasons given.

First of all, that wasn't a joke. The person who made that statement was Martin Niemoller, and he was imprisoned and put into a concentration camp by a national socialists. If that's your idea of a joke then apparently jokes aren't supposed to be funny anymore. Guess that's where the "jokes" at r/fph came from.
Chill. No need to be aggressive.

Secondly, this isn't like the national socialists jailing somebody for speaking out against the invasion of Poland or the ghetto-ization of the Jews. This is like the owner of an apartment building throwing out a bum who pisses out of a second story window onto the pedestrians below. Apples and oranges.
The site called itself the front page of the internet. The internet values personal freedoms highly. People feel freedoms were stepped on when the subreddits were banned. I agree that people can and should be able to say what they wish. When you work for an online corporation using your real name you should expect people to know who you are. You made yourself a public figure.

Because imgur banned their content without warning or reasons given.
That's imgur's problem, not reddit's.

The site called itself the front page of the internet. The internet values personal freedoms highly. People feel freedoms were stepped on when the subreddits were banned. I agree that people can and should be able to say what they wish. When you work for an online corporation using your real name you should expect people to know who you are. You made yourself a public figure.
The site also had a set of rules that prohibited harassment, and these rules were in place for at least a year before this incident occurred. There was no warning because you are expected to know the rules, and when you sign up on the site and create a subreddit, you AGREE to those terms. When you break those rules, you face the consequences. It has nothing to do with whatever freedoms you may think you have in a private domain, they broke the rules, and they got banned.

edit: added some stuff.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2015, 06:12:38 PM by ZombiLoin »