Author Topic: Impostor?  (Read 652 times)

I was on "African's Rising Lava", got the client, quit (for it to take effect) and then there was another guy with the same name as me... he was only on for a few seconds and he was using the same avatar as me! There was one guy using my avatar but only with my avatar's shirt off and his name is "Lame Lime (What a fail)" I think. One guy even said I was RPing with him but I don't even RP

what were their BL_IDs

Do any of these guys match?

Pretty sure this is the bug that occurs while restarting the client. Your disconnect won't register on the server for a while. He must've just seen himself. "He was only on for a few seconds"

Do any of these guys match?

No... I joined the server in spectator mode, clicked to see each player, I get to the last player and s/he is gone! (I only saw he/r for 2 seconds)

the person was probably you, if you exit a server without hitting the quit button you don't leave right away, and sometimes the game glitches out and connects two players

as for the person claiming you rp'd with him idk?