Author Topic: Blockland Memories  (Read 39594 times)

I used to love building bases using the magic wand to cut down on lag. That and /monkeyme.

I used to be able to smell my computer to decide if I wanted to play Blockland or not.
Also, my first username was, "CANADA!"
yeah I was pretty idiotic some 6-10 months ago

I used to be able to smell my computer to decide if I wanted to play Blockland or not.
Also, my first username was, "CANADA!"
yeah I was pretty idiotic some 6-10 months ago

I joined in v21 in 2012 (no joke) but I still had fun, I had a friend named "pepisman", me and him  and some other guy (can't remenber his name) try to build a boss battles server (not like pecon's) it was fun, but we never finish'd it, and I was so mad when RTB shutdown.
the last I saw pepisman, was in a randomiser server in 2014. but I still have the boss battles map we made. :)

I remember a lot of Halo servers back in v21 i think, they were cool

when i first bought blockland, i got my brother to try the demo on lan
we would go to slopes, he would fly really far out and leave a trail of silly builds (i.e, a tree on a baseplate covered in rainbow FX with a song playing) that would normally explode the second you went near them

also he looked like Riddler

When I first bought Blockland in 2009, I made my name johnny887 (it was the username i used for everything; I was 9 at the time), and joined a freebuild. The host's name was littlebiggoodguy or some stuff like that, and I was banned shortly after for having a high BLID. After that, I went into the "Start a Server" gui, and I hosted a LAN Bedroom freebuild server (I didn't know what LAN meant at the time); I didn't know how to super shift so I got bored quickly and uninstalled Blockland. Then, in 2012, I reinstalled it, got my key back, and changed my name to Clay Hanson. I actually dont know what happened after that, but it was boring enough for another hiatus apparently. I got back on Blockland in 2014, and here I am now.

Oh no, we're going back in time! I am

>sees BL videos
>gets demo
>I like
>See's game on steam
>see's the inside of BL

I remember it all now. IM HERE FOREVER.

I remember I would load up ACM City and act stuff. Like, I made up characters and I acted out storys. This was before I knew what bots and Client_Camera was, so all I had to do camera angles was F8. I also didn't have Fraps, so I couldn't share any of the stuff I did.

tl;dr: I let my imagination run wild, I wanted to record, didn't have the right stuff.

does anyone know who NO_OBS is

Joined in v17,
Most memorable thing was when I joined my first Blockland Server, and I didn't know how to change my name from Blockhead24924 so people made fun of me lol.
Also when v18 and v19 came out in the span of like 2 days lol.

when i first got blockland i was blockhead30404 or somethin' like that.
my first server was a city rpg and i was confused and actually knew how to chat.
so i said 'HOW 2 GET HOSUE//' i didnt know how to do those symbols back then
i thought you were able to have peoples names
i tried to be badspot
i instead was 'Creator Of Blockland'
i trolled in 2012 with the name 'Creator Of Blockland'
this guy made a light to impress me
i got impressed
i didnt know how to plant bricks until 2012
i learned events in 2013
i thought the coolest thing to have in blockland was a nice avatar
i used to play roblox and quit it
i would be like 'ROBLOX IS THE WORST GAME EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'
then i started flame wars in servers
quit blockland for 2 years in 2013 or 2011
forgot what blockland was
started roblox again
flashbacks on blockland
searched bloc in my start menu
found blockland
started it up and started again
forgot how to build again
pressed the Steam? button and was very confused
on steam
begged bro for it
used a different key not my other one ID: 30404
didnt know that there was a symetery thing in the avatar
went over to friends house and asked
he didnt answer
my old avatar vvv

i trolled in 2012 with the name 'Creator Of Blockland'
this guy made a light to impress me
i got impressed
Some guy name "The Creator of Blockland" or something like that joined and I made a light to try to impress him.