Author Topic: whoops, I downloaded adware  (Read 1064 times)

Ads by CloudScout is adware.
It's on my computer and nothing can get it off.
Here's a snip from the snipping tool:

The SHARE link opens the ad when it's hovered over.
CloudScout is also significantly slowing down my browsers.

Help pls.
Woah but dude you're a millionaire though you could probably buy a million computers to run more ads for Russians with that kind of dosh.

Whenever I get adware, it always appears in the form of a chrome add-on, so I just remove it.

One of my computers was infected by ransomware which encrypted tons of files causing them to be inaccessible. Had to delete the infected junk, the malicious files, and wipe the hard drive but the computer is usable now (thankfully most things were backed up on an external hard drive).

HitmanPro didn't work
god damnit
what should I do?

HitmanPro didn't work
god damnit
what should I do?
Burn you're house down for the insurance money, then buy a new computer.

Burn you're house down for the insurance money, then buy a new computer.