Author Topic: 9 people shot dead in church in South Charleston  (Read 6305 times)

Why do almost all former British colonies have stupid flags made of like 20 different flags all scrambled together. stuff even Canada has a union-jacked up flag until the 1960s.

this is really sad. sadly torture isn't allowed in most places as a punishment for stuff like this
I think torture is too good for him. He'll probably get his comeuppance if and when he goes to prison, anyway.

Torture and rape are never acceptable, even for horrible cunts like this guy. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

Why do almost all former British colonies have stupid flags made of like 20 different flags all scrambled together. stuff even Canada has a union-jacked up flag until the 1960s.
Britain is proud they took over most of the world.

Why do almost all former British colonies have stupid flags made of like 20 different flags all scrambled together. stuff even Canada has a union-jacked up flag until the 1960s.
definitely looks like it

what the forget there's three flags on there, with one of them even having a flag inside it

that's four loving flags

The shooter looks like he's straight out of a 90's educational film.

"Last night, 17 June, 2015, 21-year-old Dylann Storm Roof shot dead nine innocent people, three males and six females, in a historic African American South Carolina church. He entered the church during a prayer meeting and sat with other members of the church for an hour before standing up and shooting them. A surviving victim reported that he said:  “I have to do it. You rape our women and you’re taking over our country. And you have to go.” A 5-year-old also survived after her grandmother told her to lay down and pretend she’s dead. "
« Last Edit: June 18, 2015, 02:47:00 PM by Legoboss »

inb4: riots/protests, thread argument, cantaloupe, etc

Can't control the bowl

Killer has been identified:
some guy called Dylann Storm

My guess is he'll be dismissed as someone with a mental illness, rather than a racially/politically motivated terrorist
Maybe he was just born that way Well he obviously needs help.

Torture and rape are never acceptable, even for horrible cunts like this guy. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

um, he shot 9 people, to where they were dead in a church. im sticking to what i said.