Author Topic: So, I just installed malware :|  (Read 1627 times)

Windows Defender is scanning my PC  right now. (Full Scan)

I just got 5 website blocker Chrome extensions, yet them random sites that open a new tab and stuff still open, it just says "BLOCKED WEBSITE"
Anyone know how to make them stop opening?

I'm going to try Malwarebytes. Any other suggestions?
« Last Edit: June 18, 2015, 07:11:56 PM by Ocelotus »

ask one of your trendy tech pals at the apple store for help

ask one of your trendy tech pals at the apple store for help
Can you forget off you starfish?
I'm being serious.

SpySheriff will do the job fast and easy.

dont they have a section at apple stores for stuff like this
« Last Edit: June 18, 2015, 07:21:38 PM by Legoboss »

ask your professor at harvard what to do

ask your professor at harvard what to do
forget you too starfish
do you know how it happened and what download did it
I accidently downloaded an "update" for spotify

download malwarebytes
forget everyone who replies with some stupid stuff like "apple store"
its starting to get old

download malwarebytes
forget everyone who replies with some stupid stuff like "apple store"
its starting to get old

Already scanned it with malwarebytes

Already scanned it with malwarebytes

jesus christ
clean it out then

You know, it's amazing how childish these forums are. Especially the older accounts.

You know, it's amazing how childish these forums are. Especially the older accounts.

You know, it's amazing how childish these forums are. Especially the older accounts.
Yeah, children tend to not have a good sense of humor.