Author Topic: RedMarsh - The Reboot  (Read 13301 times)

Ryan shows Joel to his room and heads back downstairs etc. etc..  He grabs another beer and cracks it open.

"He's just zoned out, been waiting to show him to his room," Ryan gestures to the man.
"Oh, stuff, sorry about that. Let's see my room, shall we?" Jeb scratches the back of his neck.

Ryan shows Joel and Jeb to his their rooms and heads back downstairs etc. etc..  He grabs another beer and cracks it open.

Jeb stands in the room for a good five minutes looking around and heads back to the bar.

Ryan polishes off his most recent beer and cracks one more open, starting up the stairs, "Alright, I'm heading up for the night.  Awiti, you should too, you're forgetin' trashed," he says before going up to bed.

"I'm the actual armorer here, and all of my equipment is in my rooom. If you need your barrel sawed off, I actually have professional equipment."

Rutger walks out to the living room and grabs his suitcase that's been thrown across the floor

He then stays whistling and walks down the hallway to his room where he tosses it on his bed

"I'm going to bed guys see you tomorrow, I'll probably kill the new guys by morning"

Ryan polishes off his most recent beer and cracks one more open, starting up the stairs, "Alright, I'm heading up for the night.  Awiti, you should too, you're forgetin' trashed," he says before going up to bed.
"Alright maaaaaaaaaaaan." Awiti stumbles over to the stairs, slowly climbing his way up, one step at a time. He eventually concedes and sleeps in the middle of the stairs.

Rutger hearing a thud walks down to the stairs and find awiti passed out

"Lets get you to bed you drunk"

Rutger picks him and drags him to his room

"The things I do for friends"

He places him on his bed then walks back to his room

Jeb takes his sheathed Bowie knife to his room and lies in his bed.

Rutger tossing and turning decides to mess with his suitcase

"Jacket, check. Boxs of ammunition, check. Cigars and lighter, check. Spare set of clothes, check."

Rutger sighs and closes the suitcase, he then climbs back into bed and put some earphones in

"Maybe music will take my mind off the past"

The next day...

A man in a shady hoodie drops a manilla envelope off in the mail.  Ryan wakes up and retrieves it, then slides it under Jaakko's door.  He then goes back upstairs to shower and dress.

Rutger wakes up and pulls the headphones out of his ears

"Good mroning world, who am I going to see today?"

Rutger slips out of bed and realizes he slept in his clothes again, he grabs a spare set of clothes and a different mask from his suitcase and walks down to the living room.

"Ryan I'm gonna need some hot water when you're done in there"

Awiti wakes up, groggy and holding his head. He stumbles over to the bathroom.
"Can we all /please/ hurry the forget up? I have hangover and I need to start tinkering with boat comms."

"You wouldn't have one if you weren't such a drunk."