Jeb loads his magazines and asks, "Hey, for future notice, are hollow points allowed?"
Rutger sneaks below deck"I'm gonna take a little nap while they are all working"
there is no "below deck"Ryan stays in the truck to back the boat into the water, "Alright, take the tarp off, back me in, remove the straps, unlock the wheels, yaddah yaddah, you know the drill! Let's move!"
Under the cabin in PT boats is a lower deck
Awiti heads to his area. He jumbles through his bag and pulls out 7 earpieces. He grabs a wire and leads it up to the top of the boat, handing out ear pieces to all crew members. He routes comms through the antenna, hooking it up. Awiti decides to test the earpieces. "Jaako, comm check, you hear me?"