Author Topic: Goodcreature, threatening to ddos and track me down...  (Read 30045 times)

In my full and honest opinion, the community got what they wanted, GC gone.

Ye, He's gone, unless he threatens me again, i wont post here.

It is worth noting that most people who threaten to DDOS you won't actually DDOS you, they'll probably just use LOIC on you and DOS you, I've only encountered one person ever that had a legit booter.

LOIC slows down the internet of the person doing the DOS as well so it's pretty pointless.

ddosing is probably the most pathetic thing to do on the internet like seriously

ddosing is probably the most pathetic thing to do on the internet like seriously

He didn't actually DDoS me though. But his behavior was pretty pathetic.

the most he could possibly do is use some stuffty 5 minute booter and send a pizza or so to your house
its nothing you should worry about if you get doxed

the most he could possibly do is use some stuffty 5 minute booter and send a pizza or so to your house
its nothing you should worry about if you get doxed


Hello. I'm back once again. I always will get revenge. Now I've seen from all of you that your behavior is completely toxic. As for you Mr. Unicode you really asked for it now. Harass me all you want. I still have your location. Did I come and murder you? No. Did I DDOS you? No. I understand my foolish attempt to send a long ass message to only find out I'll banned and get beaten by you abused kids relentlessly. I didn't mind it since you all are worthless children who shouldn't exist in this world and decide to become idiotic anime lovers. Just for that I'm going to get revenge on all you forgeters! You've crossed the line and I'm going to reignite the fire. I only hope it burns you all.

No dude, you got it all wrong.

First off, he managed to get my Exact location in Oregon.

And hes done this before, where he'll act like a creep/handicap and I'll tell him were done, then he gets all apologetic. He's just like an abusive spouse IMO.

Oh way to state your own location on the forums you dumbass! You're seriously something else.

if he comes over loving beat the stuff out of him

stand yer ground

Coming from a person who likes "Steven Universe" you should check out if you have diabetes you little bitch.

Just had this fool on my server.
He hammers me until I wake up, then starts to talk about killing himself then begs for admin.

>Some of the Chat Log

Note: This one pissed me off the furthest and if I manage to get this girls location I'm going to rape the hell out of her.

Just had this bitch reply like a hateful cunt. She hammers my nails into my wall so I can finally have a finished house. She starts talking about how she likes other girls and that she is a complete worthless friend. I hope her parents are proud of her. Oh and also Damage you may wanna watch what you say because you can get killed.

yeah, this guy is a total dumbass

You have some balls. But you don't have the further capacity of a six year old's mind. You too are going to pay a dear price. I'd also like to tell you that when you piss a man off to the fullest extent or when you forget with somebody that you'll regret loving with later on when you're in my basement with your balls sawed off. Then maybe you'll think twice of posting that stupid stuff!

what a fantastic start to an apology

Thanks man.

The pathetic excuse for a human being known as Goodcreature is now on Greek2me's server, whining and begging for help and threatening to cut himself. He's skyped me and told me he wants to "go out with a bang" and sent me some idiotic copypasta that he called "longest insult in mankind." He's also saying he PM'd Badspot asking him to delete his forum account and posts. I don't know what the forget to do with this miserable starfish, but he appears to want to cling to me for support even though I outright accused him of being a troll before he threatened to cut himself on camera to "prove" that he was really upset.

Midpost edit: Now he's telling me he's been banned by badspot for "unable to handle internet forum." He says he wants to uninstall blockland because it "makes him sad." Good riddance, you miserable asshat.

"Why is everyone so mean on Blockland man?" -Goodcreature

OH! FOR THIS ONE... This guy is going to sincerely regret what he's said here. He's going to pay the ultimate price just like you all. Redo I'm touched by your words. You're a ignorant starfish who spends his whole life making others look like a dumb ass. Or whatever toxic stuff headed thing you can possibly do to hurt someone. I sincerely hope with all my gratitude that your parents actually aborted your stupid ass and you to be loving murdered in the next few weeks. I'd also like to say you should go to the doctors and explain to them why the forget you have a social problem and why you abuse everyone in sight.

Why did you just spam for no reason?

Why do you make people look like a dumbass? Oh wait why did you post? Yeah go forget off.

That is nice to relentlessly beat on a human being for doing absolutely nothing to you. Like I said and I'll say it again. I'm going to kill you guys. If you don't believe me then I guess you won't! I'll just need some clear sniper shots or something. Even if I fail at the attempt to kill you I will be hacking, harming, displeasing, harassing, you and your loved ones. That is low of you to spend your worthless time doing something like that. I ensure you'll be sent to hell. Why you may ask? Oh it's because you're evil.

Your one of my most loyal admins. I trust you will keep idiots like that from coming to my free build ever again.

The educed rage man. I've held this in and all of you are going to die. I swear I'll do whatever I can to get you off this planet to save others. You're one of my most loyal victims. Whatever I'll be doing to you will be horrible!

also this kid's just hilarious i got some people to dislike his videos
he now has like six on each video he's ever made

This one nearly made me snap. Kibia XI you'll be loving hacked or murdered, whatever I can possibly do to you to make you get off this planet. You got some people huh? I doubt you have any friends from your satanic acts. You should understand how much you can hurt a person. Oh and may I repeat. I did absolutely nothing to you. You hit first so I'll be just killing you. You can go back to your worthless life because deep down inside... you're just a lonely loving prick. That acts cool to make friends when he actually isn't.

In my full and honest opinion, the community got what they wanted, GC gone.

Wanted me gone? That is fantastic! You know what I want? Is for everyone of you loving degenerate toxic abused kids to die in fire.

Alright so that is all I have for today. Or all my customers wanting a Krabby Patty. Yes that was a joke. Now I'm back and ready to do whatever I can to get you all to pay the absolute most to the fullest extent. I hope you guys are having fun getting abused and all because that puts a big smile on my face. Quote if you want you'll only make yourself look like a douche. I'd also like to say in advanced I can actually DDOS (shout out to the pathetic starfish who said I can send pizza to his house) If you want proof feel free to send me your IP Address and KASHAM! You're forgeted. I'd also like to see if any of you could fight me physically, I'm set my eyes on Kibia XI or friendlord43432 I'll use a bat and he can use his fists alright? Okay. If you guys aren't loving scared little brats. I'd also like to say after this I'll be changing my name on everything I own and changing info, pictures, posts. So you'll never be able to know if I'm there or not. If I'm a friend, family, cousin or anything. I'll be hiding in the dark ready to slash at you with full loving power bitch. SO COME ON FIGHT ME!

this is so dumb i can't even word what i want to say into something that is understandable

you know when someone's being so handicapped you just have to believe they're joking so as not to lose your faith in humanity's intelligence? like, holy richards how delusional do you have to be to think that literally anyone would believe that kind of hilarious bs. I just don't know the words to describe this, but I feel like "lol" works well enough.

copypasta material
yeah straight up, there's no possible way this guy's for real. if he is, he should get himself checked since I've heard they make meds for this kind of outburst.

I mean, all of a sudden he's threatening us for us all to die. Does this want attention?

Hello. I'm back once again. I always will get revenge. Now I've seen from all of you that your behavior is completely toxic. As for you Mr. Unicode you really asked for it now. Harass me all you want. I still have your location. Did I come and murder you? No. Did I DDOS you? No. I understand my foolish attempt to send a long ass message to only find out I'll banned and get beaten by you abused kids relentlessly. I didn't mind it since you all are worthless children who shouldn't exist in this world and decide to become idiotic anime lovers. Just for that I'm going to get revenge on all you forgeters! You've crossed the line and I'm going to reignite the fire. I only hope it burns you all.

OH! FOR THIS ONE... This guy is going to sincerely regret what he's said here. He's going to pay the ultimate price just like you all. Redo I'm touched by your words. You're a ignorant starfish who spends his whole life making others look like a dumb ass. Or whatever toxic stuff headed thing you can possibly do to hurt someone. I sincerely hope with all my gratitude that your parents actually aborted your stupid ass and you to be loving murdered in the next few weeks. I'd also like to say you should go to the doctors and explain to them why the forget you have a social problem and why you abuse everyone in sight.

This one nearly made me snap. Kibia XI you'll be loving hacked or murdered, whatever I can possibly do to you to make you get off this planet. You got some people huh? I doubt you have any friends from your satanic acts. You should understand how much you can hurt a person. Oh and may I repeat. I did absolutely nothing to you. You hit first so I'll be just killing you. You can go back to your worthless life because deep down inside... you're just a lonely loving prick. That acts cool to make friends when he actually isn't.

That is nice to relentlessly beat on a human being for doing absolutely nothing to you. Like I said and I'll say it again. I'm going to kill you guys. If you don't believe me then I guess you won't! I'll just need some clear sniper shots or something. Even if I fail at the attempt to kill you I will be hacking, harming, displeasing, harassing, you and your loved ones. That is low of you to spend your worthless time doing something like that. I ensure you'll be sent to hell. Why you may ask? Oh it's because you're evil

"Guys i'm not a douche"
proceeds to be a huge douche

this is so dumb i can't even word what i want to say into something that is understandable

Attacking like animals aren't you? Responded faster than the speed of light it's confirmed you have no life.