Author Topic: The Young Avenger BLID:35722 Reason: Badmining then spamming when confronted  (Read 4520 times)

Lol none of you know nothing about me but this little personal stuffty event with my loving anger issues, which only I do when someone annoys me, and bestguy was being annoying. It doesn't mean you can just cast on instant annoying opinions on me. Its not really fair if you're escalating more, it ended hours ago.

I made this after it happened, but before you actually left the server. Therefore, your argument is invalid.

You realize I just have an anger problem right? I left the server because my emotions took me over, and I chose to let them have me do this. Sorry breh.
I don't think you should be admin if this is the case :/

if you have anger issues, blockland isnt the right place for you..

if you have anger issues, blockland isnt the right place for you..
Actually I have a nice amount of friends on blockland, but I sometimes get angry for stupid or good reasons, but it doesn't mean I get angry all the time, its just that I was kinda having a bad day and taking it out on everyone for no reason, so.....I dont even know.

its just that I was kinda having a bad day and taking it out on everyone for no reason
jesus loving christ if you were a letter of the alphabet you would be y

Actually I have a nice amount of friends on blockland, but I sometimes get angry for stupid or good reasons, but it doesn't mean I get angry all the time, its just that I was kinda having a bad day and taking it out on everyone for no reason, so.....I dont even know.
im saying it's not a good place for you, especially telling everyone on the forums you have anger issues. people on the blf can be douchebags and start hating you and crap. so.

Well, he certainly is young.

What the forget?
Iv had TYA as a friend for like two years now and hes never pulled stuff like this as an admin. I don't know what happened to you Young but you really have to just go dormant for a while.

Since when do you have anger issues? And since when did you act like this?

Another thing,

It seems like best was pestering Young about something stupid, when he used the wrong words for telling best to mind his own business, best acted like a douche using it as an excuse to piss young off. And Young got angry, causing him to make wrong choices.

It seems like best was pestering Young about something stupid, when he used the wrong words for telling best to mind his own business, best acted like a douche using it as an excuse to piss young off. And Young got angry, causing him to make wrong choices.

then you obviously read it wrong

Seems like someone needs Baddy's ban here... starts with Y and ends with R

Seems like someone needs Baddy's ban here... starts with Y and ends with R
Ye- no...
I give up.

What the forget?
Iv had TYA as a friend for like two years now and hes never pulled stuff like this as an admin. I don't know what happened to you Young but you really have to just go dormant for a while.

Since when do you have anger issues? And since when did you act like this?

Another thing,

It seems like best was pestering Young about something stupid, when he used the wrong words for telling best to mind his own business, best acted like a douche using it as an excuse to piss young off. And Young got angry, causing him to make wrong choices.
Duck, I don't need you in this, please stay out of it, this is my problem, not yours.