Author Topic: So there's a Severe Thunderstorm Warning currently in my area  (Read 1064 times)

Listening to 162.550 MHz Weather Radio for my area. There's also apparently going to be heavy rain as well.

It's odd, because it was only partly cloudy for the entire day.

A lot of storms appear to also be happening for several days throughout the week.

Anyone live near 23453/is in Virginia Beach ATM?
« Last Edit: June 20, 2015, 10:32:59 PM by The Killer Cop #311 »

Welcome to planet Earth!

s' a warning now

Quarter sized hail is a possibility now, although I doubt it'll happen.

Hi person in Pennsylvania / Maryland.
If you aren't then whoops kek

Why are ppl suddenly posting weather alerts!?

Hi person in Pennsylvania / Maryland.
If you aren't then whoops kek

that isn't anywhere close

Why are ppl suddenly posting weather alerts!?

XR-7 does it whenever it happens

it's not like you're gonna die or anything lol

Take some rebar and stand in a field. Fun guaranteed™

Take some rebar and stand in a field. Fun guaranteed™
Better yet hold it up and shout I HAVE THE POWERRRR.

Better yet hold it up and shout I HAVE THE POWERRRR.

Bonus points for this.

resterroni in pepperoni

I live near Virginia Beach, we've been getting a lot of lightning.

op is forgetin dead
why else would it be severe then hmmmm?