
After you've tried the new reference frame import feature, do you think it should be enabled by default?


Author Topic: [Blender] New DTS plugin  (Read 135811 times)

empties? im using blender v2.77
parent the object to an empty

they look like this

one thing i keep constantly getting annoyed about this is i can't import a .dts, then edit a mesh, then reexport without some error. or even just import/export directly.

the .dts I tried to edit was phydeoux's small city copter - import then immediate export throws this error. I'm running Blender 2.72. Linked here is the .dts.
try updating to 2.77 i noticed the handicapped errors im getting stopped

parent the object to an empty

they look like this

Shouldn't it be a 'single arrow' type empty?

:o will vehicle joints, mountpoints exported just empties or bone/armatures?
« Last Edit: May 23, 2016, 08:38:49 PM by master king deaddude »

Shouldn't it be a 'single arrow' type empty?
isnt that just a visual for it?

Shouldn't it be a 'single arrow' type empty?

doesn't matter

:o will vehicle joints, mountpoints exported just empties or bone/armatures?

you should use empties for defining them, yes

isnt that just a visual for it?


Okay I'll try it I already exported a wildcat wheel with this plugin I haven't look at it in-game yet.
It look perfect In game. I'm still working on the Wildcat vehicle with newer version of DTS plugin I hope it won't messed up in-game.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2016, 09:49:07 AM by master king deaddude »

still getting the same error i linked earlier after updating. cant import/export the Heavy Machine Gun .dts

Looking at the error, is it really blender's fault? it says tuple object doesn't have x attribute; that looks like an issue on your end port. would replacing quat.x with quat[0] fix it?

edit: probably not. i can import/export m.dts fine. it seems to be an issue with certain .dts files. should look into what makes these break your thing. the HMG is a considerably simpler model compared to phy's heli, so you probably should look at that first.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2016, 05:46:10 PM by Conan »

you should use empties for defining them, yes
Oh okay it can exported both empties and bone without any errors? How I export vehicle with collision in different layer with this DTS plugin?
« Last Edit: May 25, 2016, 11:58:20 PM by master king deaddude »

Does this happen to anyone else? The item model and my handheld model are the same.

this only happens if I'm on off shaders, any other shader looks fine.

Maybe the problem is in your code? Post it.

Maybe the problem is in your code? Post it.

datablock ItemData(PrisonBucketItem)
   category = "Weapon";// Mission editor category
   className = "Weapon"; // For inventory system

    // Basic Item Properties
   shapeFile = "./bucketitem.dts";
   rotate = false;
   mass = 1;
   density = 0.2;
   elasticity = 0.2;
   friction = 0.6;
   emap = true;

   //gui stuff
   uiName = "Bucket";
   iconName = "";
   doColorShift = false;

    // Dynamic properties defined by the scripts
   image = PrisonBucketImage;
   canDrop = true;
   maxAmmo = 1;
   canReload = 0;

datablock ShapeBaseImageData(PrisonBucketHatImage)
   shapeFile = "./buckethat.dts";
   emap = true;
   mountPoint = $HeadSlot;
   offset = "0 0 0";
   eyeOffset = "0 0 0.01";
   rotation = eulerToMatrix("0 0 0");
   scale = "1 1 1";
   doColorShift = false;
   colorShiftColor = "0 0 0";

datablock ShapeBaseImageData(PrisonBucketImage)
   // Basic Item properties
   shapeFile = "./bucketitem.dts";
   emap = true;

   // Specify mount point & offset for 3rd person, and eye offset
   // for first person rendering.
   mountPoint = 0;

   // When firing from a point offset from the eye, muzzle correction
   // will adjust the muzzle vector to point to the eye LOS point.
   // Since this weapon doesn't actually fire from the muzzle point,
   // we need to turn this off.
   correctMuzzleVector = true;

   // Add the WeaponImage namespace as a parent, WeaponImage namespace
   // provides some hooks into the inventory system.
   className = "WeaponImage";

   // Projectile && Ammo.
   item = PrisonBucketItem;
   ammo = " ";

   //melee particles shoot from eye node for consistancy
   melee = false;
   //raise your arm up or not
   armReady = true;

   colorShiftColor = "0 0 0";
   doColorShift = false;

   // Images have a state system which controls how the animations
   // are run, which sounds are played, script callbacks, etc. This
   // state system is downloaded to the client so that clients can
   // predict state changes and animate accordingly.The following
   // system supports basic ready->fire->reload transitions as
   // well as a no-ammo->dryfire idle state.

   // Initial start up state
   stateName[0]               = "Activate";
   stateTimeoutValue[0]         = 0.1;
   stateTransitionOnTimeout[0]       = "Ready";
   stateSound[0]               = weaponSwitchSound;

   stateName[1]               = "Ready";
   stateAllowImageChange[1]      = true;
   stateTransitionOnTriggerDown[1] = "Equip";

   stateName[2]               = "Equip";
   stateTimeoutValue[2]         = 1;
   stateTransitionOnTriggerUp[2]   = "Ready";
   stateWaitForTimeout[2]         = true;
   stateScript[2]               = "onEquip";


The hat image also comes up black. I'm pretty sure this is a model issue, since it looks fine with minimum or higher shaders on, but enlighten me i suppose

Wouldn't be a script issue if it only affects certain shader levels.

it needs colorshift. set doColorShift to true and set colorColorShift to "1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0"

it needs colorshift. set doColorShift to true and set colorColorShift to "1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0"
so if you have translucent textures you must colorshift? thats news to me. thanks