
After you've tried the new reference frame import feature, do you think it should be enabled by default?


Author Topic: [Blender] New DTS plugin  (Read 133582 times)

thats odd. also for some reason whenever i add a cube empty and name it 'bounds' it actually doesn't register as one, but when i add a mesh cube and name it bounds it registers fine

I exported a playertype I edited from m.dts but it seems according to the console that a node hip100 is missing and as a result the only animations it can do is root and run.

EDIT: I'm just slapping 1 node at a time and here they are: hip100, torso100, leftarm100, rightarm100, lefthand100, righthand100, head100 and probably more idk I'm tired
« Last Edit: August 19, 2017, 06:05:33 AM by Cowboy Dude »

I'm getting this error

every time I export this vehicle DTS.

Any help?

col-1 should just be the name of the collision mesh and not the name of an empty the mesh is parented to, maybe

col-1 should just be the name of the collision mesh and not the name of an empty the mesh is parented to, maybe

it's not that

importing and exporting again a, say, speedkart, makes the error appear, but for some vehicles it exports correctly

I still can't get my custom playertype to animate all default animations.
I imported m.dts, didn't delete any object or empties, only deleted vertices in a mesh while leaving the object where it is in the hierarchy, made a "Sequences" textpad where I just copied what was given in the FAQ, and exported. All it animates is root, look, and walk.

What I did is I import m.dts and without editing anything I import the .dsq files I need.

i am literally handicapped i cant understand how you apply textures to .dts models

what do the textures look like?

If you want a video tutorial on modeling there's plenty of them.
If you want a video tutorial on modeling for DTS good luck, it takes some time to learn the plugin and then try to make it easier for others to learn it. Not everyone likes to use their freetime for this if they aren't getting some kind of reward or motivation.

Bumping to keep this on the first page.

I am getting this error when exporting.