
After you've tried the new reference frame import feature, do you think it should be enabled by default?


Author Topic: [Blender] New DTS plugin  (Read 135777 times)

I edited the LEGO minifig model once again, but the animations are supposed to look default.
When in-game, they look... well, not default. Also, for some reason his legs dissapear and his left hand seems to be mapped to the camera, somehow.

I edited the LEGO minifig model once again, but the animations are supposed to look default.
When in-game, they look... well, not default. Also, for some reason his legs dissapear and his left hand seems to be mapped to the camera, somehow.
You'd have to have imported Blockland's m.dts with the 'Import node order' option checked before you did anything

You'd have to have imported Blockland's m.dts with the 'Import node order' option checked before you did anything
Holy stuff this changes everything for me

Problem: it seems like the .dts file has some weird ass animation limit hardcoded into the engine.
It's about 63 animations till you can't playthread the rest, however the weird part is using setActionThread and setArmThread works on those "missing" animations, so I have no loving clue what's going on there.
Before anyone asks: No, this is not the issue with string length in TSShapeConstructor. I am using Port's dsq combiner to make sure TSShapeConstructor has the shortest string possible and it still glitches out when there's too many animations. It doesn't seem to be an issue with the weight of the .dsq files, either.
Code: [Select]
//NOTE TO SELF: TSShapeConstructor has to be done BEFORE player datablock.
datablock TSShapeConstructor(mMeleeDts) {
baseShape = "base/data/shapes/player/mmelee.dts";
sequence0 = "base/data/shapes/player/default.dsq";
sequence1 = "base/data/shapes/player/melee.dsq";

datablock PlayerData(PlayerMeleeAnims : PlayerStandardArmor)
shapeFile = "base/data/shapes/player/mmelee.dts";
canJet = 0;
uiName = "Melee Anims Player";

im trying to import a player model plus a dsq of it running and export it (for reasons)

it wont export

Same stuff happened to me, .dts rotation animations are currently broken. Port. Pls fix.

fixed error in 00260d5

You didn't fix jack stuff >:C

So do animations work with this?

You didn't fix jack stuff >:C
enable import node order importing the m.dts

So do animations work with this?

yes, you just have to use empties instead of bones

yes, you just have to use empties instead of bones
How about deformations such as facial flexes or bending fingers?

How about deformations such as facial flexes or bending fingers?
I think you can do that if you use Milkshape 3D and it's DTS Plus exporter

How about deformations such as facial flexes or bending fingers?
no vertex group animations are supported with ports exporter/importer. iirc the issue is you cant assign vertex groups to empties.

so yea, you'll either have to go use blender 2.49b or milkshape to do mesh deforms

So, is there a tutorial or anything I can use with this in place (2.78, the version on Steam) to make weapons/items?

I started working on some back in... 2014 I think. I was using the old method of switching back and forth from 2.49b and whatever the newer version was to make things work properly. I had someone helping me learn as I went. I got like 5~ out of maybe 20 weapons in working order with this method, but stopped as I got a full time job and all sorts of other stuff popping up. Now I want to start working on this stuff again (Because I'm super happy with my models) but I've forgotten alot of the technical stuff, and I think it would be a good idea to start fresh. I get full weekends off now, so I have time to do cool stuff again like this, and I have the creative itch.