
After you've tried the new reference frame import feature, do you think it should be enabled by default?


Author Topic: [Blender] New DTS plugin  (Read 135795 times)

im trying to explore the beta playertype models, but when i import the beta.dts i get this error

anybody know what any of this means? i get this error in both the newest version of blender (2.79) and blender 2.77

Is there a way to specify references poses

Is there a way to specify references poses
have a marker named reference and have keyframes on that marker time value

when im trying to import dts models either none or some objects are present, but the empties and bounds are always showing

idk what im doing wrong

that happens to me a lot. for some reason re-importing it fixes the issue, idk why

sadly that doesnt work for me

sorry guys, real noob question but... how do you install this?

I've done a fair amount of work with blender but this is my first time needing to add an addon

Extract it.
Rename folder from "io-scene-dts-0.2.0" to "io-scene-dts".
Navigate all the way to your Blender's addons folder. (Mine was in C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.79\scripts\addons)
Put the folder in there.
Open Blender.
File>User Preferences>Add-ons
Enable "Import-Export: Torque DTS Format"
Save User Settings

easier: open blender
file > preferences > addons
click "install from file" button at bottom
navigate to folder where you downloaded and saved "io-scene-dts-0.2.0"
select that, then go to Add-Ons > input/output > enable the dts exporter/importer

hmmm... so I was on the right track. i tried the second method and while it said that it had added it in, when i went to look for it to enable it i couldn't find it. i went and made an add-ons folder to try the second method but didn't work either. any suggestions? should i look at the version of the addon and/or blender (using 2.78c)?

You don't make the folder. It already exists. If you're creating it, then you didn't find it in the right place.

Man I spent hours and I still can't figure out how the hell to get the model to look right.

Apply scale location and rotation with ctrl-a on all the meshes

if the meshes are under separate empties that don't start at the origin, make sure the origin of the mesh object is the same location as the empty it is directly parented to

So I tried importing the default Jeep model to see if I can reverse engineer it so I can put my Blue Falcon in the game, but look at this:

1. Why is there a weird Blob in the middle of the vehicle? obviously doesn't show up in game
2. Why is there an unseen in game cube at the base?
3. Why is everything made of triangles? like, everything is Triangular
4. How am I supposed to use any of this to make a vehicle I am so confused
5. Why is the Front Ortho showing the back of the vehicle? is it supposed to be that way?
6. what's with the weird Invisible bounding box?
« Last Edit: October 17, 2017, 03:54:50 PM by BLockyBuildingBro »