Author Topic: PSA: Stop judging people by groups they are in  (Read 17627 times)

Before I begin this drama I would like to point out the fact that I am on mobile and autocorrect will most likely screw with me.

I am really pissed off so I figure now would be a good time to get this of my chest. Before I get to what this drama is actually about I have a short pre drama. I already know what is to come after this as a chance to get cool but I am gonna say it anyway. Stop harassing bronies/furries or any other group of people for what they like. Some of these people have reasons that are very deep for why they like it. Some are like me and have depression and need something warm and fuzzy to hold on to avoid putting themselves six feet under. For all you know your witty comment you made could put them in tomorrow's obituaries.

Ok now to part 2. Stop judging people for what groups they are in. Not every brony clops and not every furry does whatever the fur equivalent to clopping is. Some just have their love drive mixing with their interests and I am 90% certain that happens to everyone. When I was 13 and just starting puberty I really liked Pokemon, I would look up May and Dawn research because of interest plus love drive. Now a more to home judgement of a group of members based on users is "the clique" and Qi. A few of the users in the Skype group are a bit starfishs at times but not all of them. It is really unfair to the actually nice users to throw them in that crowd. Not every member of Qi is a backdoor artist, heck I don't even know stuff about coding. Please for the love of god just stop with your attempts at climbing up the popularity ladder.

...and here we go

Forgot my final thought:

I see 2 kinds of cringe, starfish cringe and stupid cringe. Stupid cringe is actual cringe because it is people doing stupid stuff. starfish cringe is when someone labels something as cringe because they don't like it, hence the name.

While I do agree with what you say, did you post this believing it would work?

While I do agree with what you say, did you post this believing it would work?
tl;dr - lol your struggle is futile.

I think it's just better to not post here if you don't want anything negative to happen.

that's not ink

While I do agree with what you say, did you post this believing it would work?
For the actual non stuffposting  part of the community it should work.

For the actual non stuffposting  part of the community it should work.
what constitutes as stuffposting

For the actual non stuffposting  part of the community it should work.
I disagree. This is like trying to get an extreme tribal to tolerate black people.

what constitutes as stuffposting
98% of the entire forum.

what constitutes as stuffposting
If it adds nothing of value to a conversation. In other words it is either an insult and nothing more or something completely off topic or something just to get responses.

I honestly have to agree with you.
My friend harrasses me because I'm a furry and such.
He 24/7 says that all furries love to jerk it to gay fox research

He 24/7 says that all furries love to jerk it to gay fox research
Isnt this true?

honestly alot of people judge furries because it's a hate bandwagon, even if you just like the artstyle or how things look people are going to judge you. it's the internet and people are anonymous so they can say whatever they want. it gives them the excuse to act like starfishs and judge you without even knowing you. i think being a furry/etc is fine.