Author Topic: PSA: Stop judging people by groups they are in  (Read 18833 times)

I am sorry for what I said and if it means anything I will put the pride flag in my signature and make my avatar rainbow when I get the chance. I was only angry because it is something I don't understand. I was acting like gays are terrorists when in reality they are harmless. I realize a few members of this community are gay and they are actually pretty cool people. I really shouldn't feel angry about this and I shouldn't try to justify it either. I am sorry.

Lightbox, buddy..

You've been an idiot from day 1, by posting stupid stuff and doing stupid stuff.

You are basically begging your ass off just to get that little shred of e-rep and credibility back, so you aren't ridiculed and called an idiot on a regular basis.

The that apologies you are making right now are lazy, generally half-assed and don't mean jack stuff-- it doesn't change the fact that you legit think that the government is spying on your family, it doesn't change the fact that you said bigoted stuff or even claimed that being a brony is something prevents you from putting yourself six feet under.

You just don't realise that you won't be forgiven, you will be forgetten-- don't stick around the forum if you are going to do this stuff because literally NOBODY wants you here, you provide nothing to this community and you are only being a nuiseance by sticking around.

This is like what-- your fourth account?

You've burned through three accounts, proving that you are mroe than capable of being an incredible dumbarse on all of them and getting yourself banned on each account.

So basically, my message to you is that you should just leave the forums and never come back, nobody likes you, nobody wants you.

Aoki is totally supporting this due to being in QI. Thats just a rule of thumb.

I dont support this,as now most clan/groups in blockland are terrorists and tribals.

Also Mr.Molten Kitten im afraid that i support the argument that you are stupid.

Guys, the message is we shouldn't judge the kool kids klub because they're in the kool kids klub

Guys, the message is we shouldn't judge the kool kids klub because they're in the kool kids klub
Because hating gay people is okay by his standards
Just not beastiality artists

Now, what have we learned on this episode of the Blockland Forums?

~ Hating and generalizing large groups of people is perfectly olay, just don't do the same to bronies or furries!

~ Apologies solve every problem, no matter how quarter-assed or TL;DR it is!

~ Everyone of every creed deserves respect, even if they act exactly like their stereotype!

That's all, and thanks for watching!

Now, what have we learned on this episode of the Blockland Forums?

~ Hating and generalizing large groups of people is perfectly okay, just don't do the same to bronies or furries!

~ Apologies solve every problem, no matter how quarter-assed or TL;DR it is!

~ Everyone of every creed deserves respect, even if they act exactly like their stereotype!

That's all, and thanks for watching!

and i laughed too hard at this.

"Don't judge people based on their groups!"
"I hate all gays!"

Complete and utter loving idiocy

You've burned through three accounts, proving that you are mroe than capable of being an incredible dumbarse on all of them and getting yourself banned on each account.
I am sure they melted quite well.
get it?

the drama is painful for molten

alright molten, next time I won't judge you for being a nudist, a brony and having a severe case of tourettes, I accept your apology! [/sarcasam]

seriously though, molten, your utter trash, just leave, because your not going to redeem yourself for the fourth time already

seriously though, molten, your utter trash, just leave, because your not going to redeem yourself for the fourth time already
what about his utter trash?

what about his utter trash?
i wasn't gonna do it, but i knew someone would gaddammit

the drama is painful for molten
He's going to need more than a burn heal for this.
Another pun?
why not
fire pun

what about his utter trash?
maybe rockinboy is molten's roommate and he hates how molten leaves his garbage everywhere