
so, would you do it


Author Topic: would you eat a dog  (Read 5004 times)

If its life or death maybe

Absolutely not. I love dogs, they're my favorite pet animals. I would never eat one unless there was a severe apocalypse or life-threatening situation where there was absolutely nothing else I could eat.

Depends. If I've got food and the dog is just fine when alive, heavens no. But if I'm starving and alone with a dog with no other source of food, I guess, although it would pain me greatly.

As someone who has eaten dog, yeah its pretty good. But its nothing special and the chinese love it (im not joking).

no but I'd put it in a video game and gain the adoration of aspies who know nothing about game design everywhere.

loving call of duty and now fallout 4 smfh

forget no

Dogs are companions not mudder foggin food

Depends on what kind of dog  :cookieMonster:

I wonder how many people are savage on this forum.

My brother ate Labrador and pug in China with no regrets. He said it tasted like really tough chicken.

I am a vegetarian-- but if I wasn't I would totally eat one. I don't see how it's worse than eating a pig or a cow.

this was in my inbox

ud best watch ur backs

if i was on the brink of starvation, maybe

this was in my inbox

ud best watch ur backs
this is what gave me the thought. although, it should not be called an "inhumane tradition." it's just meat, like anything else. the petition's started by canadians, too. they're not affected by the festival at all. forgeters.

you'd die
theres absolutely no doubt
you would literally break your jaw and your throat would rip open tearing your artieries to shreds and you'd bleed out and die
OP never said it was impossible in this scenario