Author Topic: Building a portfolio for graphic design  (Read 448 times)

Hey guys! For an art/design class I'm going to be taking next year, I need to create original designs over the summer. Problem is, I don't have much inspiration, and that's where you can help me, if you wish! I can do a vector logo for you for free and give you all the rights to it as long as I can use it for my logo design portfolio. Just post ideas here if you've got any, and if you have a sketch/ms paint drawing or anything really, it'd be super helpful. Each one is going to take around an hour give or take (unless it's super simple), so don't stuff up the thread with OP U friend WHEN U GONNA DO MINE cause I'll get around to it eventually.

So yeah, free vector party, post anything you want me to vector-ize/logo ideas!

solaire from dark souls

iunno do something cool :)

solaire from dark souls

iunno do something cool :)
working on solaire :)

Fan art does not belong in a portfolio

it'd be a much better use of your time to work on original characters/drawings if it's for a portfolio

Do a website UI mockup
Many hexagons

it'd be a much better use of your time to work on original characters/drawings if it's for a portfolio

You could make some simple original designs to stem more ideas from it. Could be silhouettes, monograms, typography and poster ads (for some original product you could make up, or BL). Went through my pictures and found low-res ones from like a while back, good times.

This one was part of my portfolio. dark souls inspired text, but I dont have a pic of when it was finished. This was only for my portfolio cover though.

EDIT: I noticed all these were pictures of when they were in progress. GJ past self.