Author Topic: Post usernames  (Read 2177 times)

it's either Aoki or LruteL everywhere

considering just going all to LruteL so people stop confusing me with Akio

it's either Aoki or LruteL everywhere and log

considering just going all to LruteL so people stop confusing me with Akio
please do. i keep getting messages from people calling me a badmin because they think i'm you

please do. i keep getting messages from people calling me a badmin because they think i'm you
and people keep being really unfriendly to me because they think im you

I've used XR_7, XR-7, XRSeven, XR_7-16, XR7, and [XRSEVEN]
I always want to call you rx7

Its the same for everything, ThatDarkNinja778. If all my usernames for my accounts were different it would cause confusion. I'm not even that big of a fan of my only username, the only reason I still have it is because I can't think of anything better.

FA - ConnerDaily
Imageshack(which I don't use anymore) - Hawtcheese
steam - Shiron the Windragon
Minecraft - springislandhead (this was supposed to be easterislandhead but i wasn't thinking at the time)
8th Deadliest Sim - Samc2000
Simtropolis - Pendulum
LEX - Tigerfire03
Nexus Mods - BTFX
Mod The Sims - Johnny T
Loadout (only played once) - rabEEZ198
GTA Garage - Dubstep PT
Skype - ThatDumbass26494
Photobucket - Dr_pepper3
Facebook - Blake Corman
Twitch - Shironthewindragon
InkBunny - Jake Blade

I go by my OC's names a lot of the time.

Mr Sheepie

i think my blf name is acorncake
my in-game name is acorncake
i changed my steam name to "nichlevohs" as a joke and i dunno if i should keep it as that

Plethora just about everywhere, Plethorax if Plethora is unavailable.
Ages ago when I played evony I was Namesake.

hodot for everything now, madmanformayor if that's taken for some reason

fizzle for blockland

I forgot the name I use for the forums though D: