Author Topic: Hammereditor is back, hosting servers for another game.  (Read 5490 times)

now excuse my ignorance
but what does this have to do with anything at all
the only blockland related thing is the fact that the target is a former (?) blockland player

This has nothing to do with Blockland.
I've recently been using Hammerhost, it runs smoothly and is half the price of blocknet.

Hammereditor is extremely untrustworthy, I would not give any account information to him.
    I come from another game called Blockland, where Hammer hosted servers for first. There were many problems in the beginning, such as the servers shutting down and files being lost. Here is the original topic he has made:

    There is already backlash and criticism on the first page, and it only escalates further on later pages.

    Eventually, he got jealous of another more popular service known as RTB, and DDOSed it. He did a very poor job of covering his tracks, as the IP address used in the attacks were the same as his home connection. (the creator of RTB was a fourm moderator at the time, so he was able to find this information).
    When Hammer was asked to explain, he gave three possible reasons:

        His brother, Pacnet (admitted that it wasn't him later, most believe he is just a second account)
        A virus (which was also false, and if it was true, that means he carelessly downloaded something and should not host a server)
        He did it himself (which he later admitted to)

    Here is a link to the discussion thread were everything went down:
    It's a lengthy, read but informative read.

    And here is the post where he admits to the DDOS, stating that it was not his brother leaving no other possibilities for the attack:

    (on a side note, RTB later shut down because the isp hosting it's servers kicked them out due to the attacks)

    He has been banned multiple times, and has the mindset of a small child. I would not trust him with his service at all. Ever since the beginning, he kept making mistakes. He has never changed then, and I do not expect him to change now. I won't be surprised if he migrated over to this smaller game to pay off any debts for renting his servers. For the safety of your account information, I extremely recommend that you cancel your account with his service.
The author of this message is Furdle. He posted this on the Steam community forums and around there things are a bit different from how BLF handles messages like that. I believe the story is that HammerEditor was working with an admin of the Unturned community (Official admin) and the admin was also friends with Furdle. Furdle was trying to pressure the admin(s) into preventing HammerEditor from starting up a hosting service there. The administration declined to help Furdle so Furdle decided to go at it on his own. Instead of turning the administration against HammerEditor he tried to broadcast this message publicly to the forums in an attempt to turn the community against HammerEditor. Only a few people saw the post and it was quickly deleted. Furdle's Steam account was banned forever from the forums for breaking a "No public shaming" rule. Furdle destroyed his relationship with the administration and never tried to attack HammerEditor again. (At least as far as I know)

I don't even think Nelson knows we exsist
Nelson knows you guys exist and actually played Blockland a few times with some veterans in the community. I dont remember who exactly it was but he only plays when he's invited by his few BL friends

That is what I posted on their forum, by the way.
You didn't post that also you will be banned soon if you did. You better remove it now.

"You didn't post that"
Sorry what I mean is that you're not the original author of the message. Furdle is.

Uh, check hammer's topic on the other forum. I was the one who posted that.

i'm pretty sure joe posted that but i'm still interested in this "no public shaming" rule; if i report his post, could joe get banned from the unturned forums like furdle?

i'm pretty sure joe posted that but i'm still interested in this "no public shaming" rule; if i report his post, could joe get banned from the unturned forums like furdle?
Yes. Also Joe you may have posted THIS message. However you are not the original author because I was around back when this all happened and this is the exact same loving post as before written by Furdle.

i'm pretty sure joe posted that but i'm still interested in this "no public shaming" rule; if i report his post, could joe get banned from the unturned forums like furdle?
That is a pretty stupid rule.
That means if someone calls out someone else because they're acting handicapped, then they'll get banned for "shamming" while the handicap goes free.

Yes. Also Joe you may have posted THIS message. However you are not the original author because I was around back when this all happened and this is the exact same loving post as before written by Furdle.
You're confusing that with something else.
I distinctly remember typing those exact words today.

That is a pretty stupid rule.
That means if someone calls out someone else because they're acting handicapped, then they'll get banned for "shamming" while the handicap goes free.
It's the Valve Community Rules. The global administrators must enforce all community rules. Then there are sub community rules which can be made up by the local administration + developer(s)

You're confusing that with something else.
I distinctly remember typing those exact words today.
Holy stuff you're a liar. I've been around way longer in both of these communities than you mate. Can anyone get Furdle?

Holy stuff you're a liar. I've been around way longer in both of these communities than you mate. Can anyone get Furdle?
He may have ranted about it before but your confusing the posts.
Go find the posts curdle made and compare them.

Alright, I made an account and reported him.

Alright, I made an account and reported him.
Can you link to the thread in steam?

Alright, I made an account and reported him.
why are you posting in the same topic on 2 different accounts

Alright, I made an account and reported him.
what are you trying to accomplish?