Author Topic: ITT: stupid posts you made on this forum when you were new and now regret  (Read 2337 times)

This was back when I thought Roblox and Blockland were at some sort of "war". At this point there wasn't any "fighting" going on really, so I made a fool of myself.

Post any similar things you did.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2015, 06:42:41 PM by joe411 »

I tried posting: # of tickets you got a highscore in Rule 3, although, back then, I did not know it was only in Pickerington, OH.
So, I was a I edited both of the comments at the top.


Looking through my old posts I found:
Me stupidly defending roblox,
A "count to x" self declared spam thread,
And two posts claiming my snake was cut off (I have no idea why I did this).

I made a thread titled "BADSPOT SUCKS EGGS" once. I don't remember what the contents of the thread were.

I regret that so much lol. I was so immature. Got a long way to go still, but I've improved.

I made a thread titled "BADSPOT SUCKS EGGS" once. I don't remember what the contents of the thread were.

I regret that so much lol. I was so immature. Got a long way to go still, but I've improved.
Find it.

Does it count if it isn't new?

If so I would have to say my "I am taking a break" post

all of my oldest posts are cringeworthy, i can't bring myself to look at them again

all of my posts ever

Find it.

Twas failbinned.

all of my oldest posts are cringeworthy, i can't bring myself to look at them again

My thoughts exactly

oh man, the arrogance and overall misunderstanding of my own intelligence shown in this post, as well as those following, almost kills me every time i read it

...loving torgue script

i just can't look....

it's loving painful looking back at my perma'd account's posts

here's all of my old account's posts
« Last Edit: June 24, 2015, 08:06:21 PM by 77x5ghost2 »

i just can't look....

it's loving painful looking back at my perma'd account's posts
Wow...just wow...