
and how does this poll make you feel?

the old poll was better
a sudden urge to kill my father and seduce my mother
large and in charge
like a plastic bag

Author Topic: Reverie Fort Wars  (Read 25348 times)

been playing too much heroes of the storm and path of exile
abathur is the best hero

Anyway, I'm going to bump this so that I can have some accountability to not drop the project again. Here are the things I'm working on getting implemented:

Tribes: There will be two tribes at a time, and after some victory condition triggering an apocalypse, one tribe will be declared the victor, the world will fall apart, and the server will restart with two randomly-selected tribes. As development continues, more tribes will be added, but to make things simple I'm only going to create two tribes to start with. The following are the tribes that I have created:
  • Malka: The blood cult. They gain religious favor by sacrificing blood to their god, Shessim, or killing enemy tribesmen with sanguite weapons. Their god grants them a 10% damage bonus with sanguite weapons and can allow them to transform themselves into or summon a mighty blood titan. Other tribes fear their ability to regenerate themselves by drinking the blood of their foes.
  • Prelkan: The flesh cult. They gain religious favor by sacrificing flesh to their god, an entity they call the Fabric. Their strange god grants them massively increased natural regeneration and the ability to summon the horrors that inhabit the flesh biomes. It is said that they feast upon the flesh of their foes before a battle to make themselves more bloodthirsty.
  • Kazezi: The lightweavers. Their god, Naramata, granted them the sacred art of crafting synthetic metals from light. As such, they have perfected this art to a greater degree than have the other tribes, making their synthetic metal equipment 10% more effective. It is by crafting these synthetic metals and by killing enemy tribesmen with arms created from these metals that they offer tribute to their god.
  • Faeborn: The inhabitants of the forests. They worship the faeries, dryads, and other woodland spirits. They have mastered the art of building and crafting with wood, and can even find faerie dust hiding in the nooks and crannies of trees where those of other tribes would not think to look. The faeries grant them magics that make them incredibly elusive.
  • Sarti: The inhabitants of the deserts. They worship the shadowy darkin, a race of malicious shapeshifters. The Sarti offer tribute to their overlords by wreaking death and destruction upon enemy tribes. In exchange, the darkin have taught the Sarti how to use daggers with increased effectiveness and even the secrets of nigh-invisibility.
  • Eristia: The inhabitants of the deeps. They worship kobolds and other earth spirits. They have perfected the art of crafting surtra, and consider their work with it tribute to their gods. The underground fortresses of the Eristia are legendary for the difficulty involved in finding them, and rumors say that Eristians use illusory magic to conceal the locations of their homes.
  • Munaa: The fire cult. They worship the giants, the fiery inhabitants of mountainous and volcanic regions, and believe obsidian to be a sacred element. They offer tribute to their gods by mining obsidian and killing their foes with obsidian weapons. The Munaa are feared for their potent fire magic and command of the giants.
  • Mediir: The bone cult. They worship Rimuto, lord of bones and the dead. By crafting and killing their foes with calcite, they honor Rimuto. The Mediiri sometimes even use weapons made from the very bones of their foes. Their god grants them significantly stronger bone and calcite equipment, as well as the ability to summon the undead.

An as-yet-unanswered question: how does a tribe win the war?

In addressing player concerns about the usability of the slash commands to manipulate their inventories, I have been working on a menu that requires no client-sided add-ons. It utilizes the brick movement commands to create what is, at least in my experience, a very natural-feeling menu. It works so well that I'm shocked that it's not been done before, to my knowledge.

And of course, enemies.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2015, 11:46:25 AM by Amade »

I think Faeborn needs to be done first. Especially considering that a lot of content was already done that regarded fairy dust, just need to implement a way to get it.

The Kazezi or Faeborn tribes first. I voted for Faeborn though because they seem to have a more important role. The Sarti would make an interesting second tribe to put against the Faeborn because they seem to be opposites of one-another, especially the biomes they would inhabit.

Holy stuff, development is back! Woo!

Shocked to see the Faeborn leading in the poll! Speaking of the poll, I'm simply going to have the winner of the poll become one of the two tribes, then hold a second one with the winner removed, and the winner of the second poll will become the second tribe. So there's no need to worry about second choices, just vote for your favorite.

Holy stuff, development is back! Woo!
Don't hold your breath for a server, though. I want to get a lot of stuff done before I host it again. I'm a filthy liar and I'm putting up a server to check how well the brick menu is working.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2015, 04:18:00 PM by Amade »

changes since last weekend:
  • hats
  • changing your armor no longer crashes your client
  • faeries added

Several items requiring faerie dust (such as the faerie equipment) are already functional. Others (such as the pyromancy wand) are still in need of scripting. I will use placeholder models until my request for models is filled. Players will be able to craft the synthetic metals (nithlite and sinnite) as soon as the photometallisynthesis lens is scripted. All synthetic metal equipment is already scripted.

I will be adding some other enemies (e.g. skeletons, both friendly and aggressive NPC humans, ice and blood golems) shortly. NPC corpses can be looted and butchered in the same manner as player corpses.

Expect to see a server later today and over the weekend.

  • The Fae religion worships Faeries, Dryads, and other woodland spirits.

sounds a lot like Fae Forest from trove
Mana: If you ever add that Faerie dust in
even more like trove

« Last Edit: August 29, 2015, 11:26:04 PM by Plexmark »

sounds a lot like Fae Forest from trove

even more like trove
I don't think the forest tribe living in harmony with woodland spirits thing is particularly unique to any modern work, ditto with faerie dust :P

What time will the server be up?

What time will the server be up?
I just launched it. The photometallisynthesis lens (at least the part that allows you to craft the snythetic metals) has been scripted, so nithlite and sinnite (and equipment made from them) are now available. Right now it is using Faerie particles, but it will have its own particles in the future as well as a magical attack.

I discovered and fixed a problem with the AI spawning code that was causing things to spawn at 5% of the rate they should have. Faeries should be much easier to find now, but in addition, skeletons will spawn more often in dangerous environments.

Since there was a persistent ownership problem with the old save, I have generated a fresh world. No further problems with ownership should occur. Account data has not been wiped, so all of your equipment will still be in your possession.

I am hosting a dedicated server for Amade. All playerdata, backups, and add-ons have been transfered over. As soon as Amade checks it over, I will start hosting for him.

I am hosting a dedicated server for Amade. All playerdata, backups, and add-ons have been transfered over. As soon as Amade checks it over, I will start hosting for him.
Thats great news. Now it could stay up 24/7

Nice first day, got 23 players at highest. Only thing is worlds reset often so don't build anything too fancy. Also brick limit. Were fixing things up.

A really annoying bug keeps on happening constantly for me and my friend where our crafting tools just dissapear. I have no idea what the cause is. It has nothing to do with dying, as I might craft the same item over the same life and have the game make me have to find the materials for/craft all the tools again.

EDIT: What is the Ossimetallisynthesis totem? What does it do?
« Last Edit: September 01, 2015, 12:07:45 AM by GMO Ferret »

Dying causes it. Server is back up and the Brickcount is now up to a million. Also we have some new stuff being made that I won't spoil for you :3
New map generated too.