
and how does this poll make you feel?

the old poll was better
a sudden urge to kill my father and seduce my mother
large and in charge
like a plastic bag

Author Topic: Reverie Fort Wars  (Read 25298 times)

The pillar is still there, and you aren't getting de-admined.

What you're telling us is like Osama saying that he was going to send people to fly into the twin towers, telling everyone he was only joking around, only for planes to smash through them the next day

By the pillar i ment like 4x4 blocks forming a ladder. I used those bricks as a ladder. Then removed them.

Thanks cookies for making my reputation die. Now let me tell all of you people that think i raided Kazezi's base. First off. This was all a joke, i even told cookies it was a joke, but he didn't show it in the pictures for some strange reason. Ok look. See that part where he says "Biller are you with AdinX?" At that part, i kept saying AdinX to joke with him, since at the start when i was building my tower, he kept thinking i was suspicious, so i wanted to scare him, i told - Kai - all of this, i wish he took a screnshot of our conversation, but i will share it out here, so i continued to build my tower. Cookies still got scared, so i came on your guys island to pretend i was destroying that tree. But infact i wanted to rebuild it, but sadly i ran out of sinnite, so instead, i wanted to build a brown tree. I told cookies but he still didn't get it. Eristia's color is brown. Right? Ok when i was done with my tower, i destroyed the pillar i used to get on Kazezi's island. After i was done joking with cookies, i removed that pillar i used to get up, and as soon as i removed it, i told cookies it was a joke, i told him i wanted to build that tower to make the biggest tower in the server, so then i left cause i got bored. Get it now??
        I hope you guys still don't think i raided the Islands. And Amadé you don't need to take out my admin, i didn't destroy the Islands. Please belive in me guys, i would never do a thing to that island.
First of all you never, NEVER said that it was a joke, you just said things like "calm down, everything is going to be ok", you said that you were going to plant a tree to represent Eristia. You never destroyed the pillar, when i joined yesterday it was still there and how the forget do you think someone is going to act if you said weird stuff and build something used to raid near his base?!
Anyways, im so sorry i told you that on Steam, i never wanted to ruin your reputation, i was angry because our base was griefed and you were the only suspect, i dont want to kill our friendship. Your reputation is not dead (also you should know that im so paranoic, that is why i was so scared)
Biller is a great friend, i was with him since Base Raiders was up, i dont want to be hated by him.   

You never destroyed the pillar 
I made ladders to climb up on the island. The "Pillar" i made was destroyed by one of your members. If the server was up right now, i would show you what i made to get on your islands. Or GMO's islands. The Tower i made is not even touching the Island.
        God i hate it when you make something, leave and rejoin and people start saying its your fault that something bad happened.

        God i hate it when you make something, leave and rejoin and people start saying its your fault that something bad happened.

You basically said you were going to do destroy the islands before everyone else left

I just purchased a dedicated server from BlockNet. As soon as I
  • get the new colorset implemented
  • make some new doodads
  • finish the smoothing algorithm
I will start the server up. In the meantime, please send me doodads you have built - the more the merrier.

Doodads for the grass/woodland biome should be on a 16x16 baseplate. All other doodads should be on a 16x cube.

Here's the colorset so far. I am open to suggestions, as it is currently nowhere near the 64 color limit.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2015, 08:34:14 PM by Amade »

Gold : Used as a currency. Everyone starts with 100, and there isn't any way to generate more other than through trade, and sent you the other details through the PM

Shadow : A material that drops from flesh mutalids, maybe could be used by Sarti to give them invisibility as armor? It would be completely black

Hay : Could be crafted from plant matter, could do something with horses

Plastic : Not really sure how this would be crafted, would look like glass but be more durable

Cloud : Would be cool if you made some clouds, this could be a cushion for fall damage and used in lightweight armor

Water : Instead of having the buggy water in baseplates, you could make this a material

Wire : Could be used later on when events are allowed to stop a lot of OP stuff like manipulating named bricks from across the map

Spike : We need some sort of trap. Touching these would lower health and could be crafted out of stone, though would be very expensive

Silicate : Could be a rare material found in the underground mountain, which would be very close to lava. Very, very durable material that can also make for amazing protection totems.

Gold : Used as a currency. Everyone starts with 100, and there isn't any way to generate more other than through trade, and sent you the other details through the PM

Shadow : A material that drops from flesh mutalids, maybe could be used by Sarti to give them invisibility as armor? It would be completely black

Hay : Could be crafted from plant matter, could do something with horses

Plastic : Not really sure how this would be crafted, would look like glass but be more durable

Cloud : Would be cool if you made some clouds, this could be a cushion for fall damage and used in lightweight armor

Water : Instead of having the buggy water in baseplates, you could make this a material

Wire : Could be used later on when events are allowed to stop a lot of OP stuff like manipulating named bricks from across the map

Spike : We need some sort of trap. Touching these would lower health and could be crafted out of stone, though would be very expensive

Silicate : Could be a rare material found in the underground mountain, which would be very close to lava. Very, very durable material that can also make for amazing protection totems.
Mihtril: Nice to make armors, maybe stronger than calcite and weaker than nithlite and bad for swords, stronger than stone sword but weaker than the obsidian one. You can get in mountains.

Iron: you can make armors, daggers, swords, arrows. Better than stone but weaker than surtra. You can find it only inside caves

Arcane wand: Turns iron into arcanite and makes mobs run away from you when equiped. It will consume 8 faerie dust and 8 of wood

Arcanite: Only works to makes arrows, daggers and swords, these are weaker than sanguite, but with more magic atributes than Sinnite. You have to make it when having iron in the inventory and using the Arcane wand.

Elven Wood: Its basically the normal wood but with magic atributes. You can get it by cutting off an Elven Tree

Bucket: (If you accept GMOs water request) Can be made of iron or wood. Allows you to pick up water from the lakes, rivers, oceans...etc and save it in your inventory

Aquametallisynthesis wand: (If you accept GMOs water request) It turns water into aquatum and allows you to walk in the water when equiped. It will need 8 faerie dust and 5 of obsidian to craft.

Aquatum: (If you accept GMOs water request): You can craft armors, daggers, swords and arrows. Stronger than calcite and weaker than sanguite. It will allow you to breath under the water

Aquatum fish people anyone?
Also made about 10 "doodads", made of: A minecart, collapsed mine, group of crystals, flesh mutalid statue, flesh altar, gnome tree, broken forest temple, broken forest castle, igloo, and pyramid that use relatively little bricks except for the gnome tree

You can mine the gnomes to get flesh
I'll make some more in packs of ten, here it is

Thanks for the doodads, GMO! I'll get them added in.

I'm currently trying to figure out the dedicated server - there's some sort of problem with authenticating. As soon as I get it worked out, there will be a new dedicated RFW server running under my name.

Awesome! Also, I'll have fifteen new ones here made by me, Vonski and Magus. These are better than the others

i lied it was fourteen and there
« Last Edit: September 10, 2015, 12:00:18 AM by GMO Ferret »

The server is now running. I forgot to enable the ambient lights pack that's usually enabled, so right now players use the default player lights. Other than that, everything seems to be working. The new colorset and doodads (excepting the second bunch GMO sent me since I forgot about those) are in.

The server is now running. I forgot to enable the ambient lights pack that's usually enabled, so right now players use the default player lights. Other than that, everything seems to be working. The new colorset and doodads (excepting the second bunch GMO sent me since I forgot about those) are in.
You can remove my dedicated credit then. I don't want to take credit for something I am not doing.

You can remove my dedicated credit then. I don't want to take credit for something I am not doing.
You still did at one point :p

You still did at one point :p
Yeah I suppose. :P
Anyways, good luck with the dedicated again. It is really fun to host things.

it's 1:14am, nobody is on, the highest playercount for a master server is 10, and Im going to get sinnite equipment before the morning >:L

3am EST on Blockland and Reverie's new server is getting some late-night loving
(and sarti has a population of 2 rn)

Finally, after 3 and a half hours.

Sarti is goin' places
« Last Edit: September 11, 2015, 03:28:22 AM by AdinX »