Author Topic: Who here dislikes trans people?  (Read 41087 times)

The definition of a man/a woman referring to having a physical richard or not, and not to having a psychological richard or not.
Noedit: Which doesn't make sense as you can remove the physical one, but not the psychological one.

Noedit: Which doesn't make sense as you can remove the physical one, but not the psychological one.

If you are born with a dong. You're a man. In the inside you will always be a man. Because you were MADE a man.

yeah they can be good if they arent the type on tumblr hateing everyone who is norma

If you are born with a dong. You're a man. In the inside you will always be a man. Because you were MADE a man.
Well evidently not as there seem to be ~21 million transgender people globally.

If you are born with a dong. You're a man. In the inside you will always be a man. Because you were MADE a man.
Physically, yes, they will always be of the male love unless they go through extensive surgery.
Mentally, no, they will not necessarily be of the male gender.

yeah go ahead be trans i don't really care one way or the other

Well evidently not as there seem to be ~21 million transgender people globally.

Did you not read what he said

If you are born with a dong. You're a man. In the inside you will always be a man. Because you were MADE a man.
It's a mental condition, there's not really anything else to it. You can't expect them understand something like that.

It's a mental condition, there's not really anything else to it. You can't expect them understand something like that.

Why would someone post this topic just to talk about how they're different. It sounds like a plee for attention. How would other people know if you didn't talk about it. Also publicly saying that you are won't really change much. It would just feed some hungry trolls looking for these types of things.

Honestly if all you care about is what it's classified as instead of how it makes those people with it feel you're an idiot.
Alcohol is fuel!!11 Don't drink fuel it's bad omg stop dribking alcohol right now!! Don't you know it's technically fuel!!!!

Honestly if all you care about is what it's classified as instead of how it makes those people with it feel you're an idiot.
Alcohol is fuel!!11 Don't drink fuel it's bad omg stop dribking alcohol right now!! Don't you know it's technically fuel!!!!
You're mixing up Ethanol and Alcohol
The alcohol that's mixed into things that you drink is 'ethyl' alcohol, which is produced by yeast. The yest eat some kind of sugar or starch and turn it into carbon dioxide and alochol. In wine, the yeast eats the sugar in grape juice to create alcohol.

Ethanol that you purchase as a fuel is the same kind of alcohol found in whiskey, but it has been distilled to the point where it is nearly pure alcohol (as opposed to whiskey which is typically only 40% alcohol and 60% water).

Define trans, Biologically, Mentally, Or just pronouns?

Why would someone post this topic just to talk about how they're different. It sounds like a plee for attention. How would other people know if you didn't talk about it. Also publicly saying that you are won't really change much. It would just feed some hungry trolls looking for these types of things.

Totally Agree