Author Topic: Who here dislikes trans people?  (Read 41298 times)

Firry of the year
i have told you countless times i am not interested in joining your disgusting fandom. there was a point in time where i wanted to try something new, but after being around all those fircigarettes i have learned that there's nothing to be proud of by being one. i am so sick of firrys shoving their wood in my face. it's absolutely disgusting and i hope one day you'll see it too

i have told you countless times i am not interested in joining your disgusting fandom. there was a point in time where i wanted to try something new, but after being around all those fircigarettes i have learned that there's nothing to be proud of by being one. i am so sick of firrys shoving their wood in my face. it's absolutely disgusting and i hope one day you'll see it too
Yeah, they're all bark and no bite

You gotta branch out at some point.

Leaf the poor sap alone and let him root out his own decisions.

No whey. You didn't just pepper jack up the chain; what, were the jokes too cheesy for you or something? Not gouda nuff for dreams?? You just couldn't stand the munsterous puns??? Well guess what. Life is an unkrind mistress, and not everything will just feta together like you want it to. There's gonna be some bleu times, and whether or not you're briehind life's neverending movement, life won't give edam.

i have told you countless times i am not interested in joining your disgusting fandom. there was a point in time where i wanted to try something new, but after being around all those fircigarettes i have learned that there's nothing to be proud of by being one. i am so sick of firrys shoving their wood in my face. it's absolutely disgusting and i hope one day you'll see it too
shut up traitor

i have told you countless times i am not interested in joining your disgusting fandom. there was a point in time where i wanted to try something new, but after being around all those fircigarettes i have learned that there's nothing to be proud of by being one. i am so sick of firrys shoving their wood in my face. it's absolutely disgusting and i hope one day you'll see it too
maybe because they're the biggest embarrassment of the human species and makes us look like total loving wrecks as americans, and they spread their stuff everywhere and annoy people with it. for example, remember when awesomebread2 used to brag about his internet identity as some stuffty tree and paid 100-300 dollars for a painting of him and his fictional gay boyfriend? they make us look terrible, hell i stuff you not japan/china even looks more professional than us right now. firries fap to some drawing that they imagined in their head. they deserved it.
everyone has right to their own opinion, i didnt come here to attack you, i came here to debate and make my thoughts fly out of my head on the situation. back on topic;i think some people cant handle when they have to deal with the thought that 30,000+ people that dress up in a fictional costume and waltz into a gay orgy, sure im going to look portrayed as a terrible human being that finds homoloveuality and people dressed up in tree costumes terrifyingly disgusting, but everyone can have their own thoughts. im pretty sure if you wanted a cancer to not be leaked because of how disgustingly annoying and overused it is, you wouldn't want it to exist at all really. for example: selfies.
same, but i find it funny because of the fact that they go to some stuffty convention to stare at drawings of people they aren't every year, its like being confused of your loveuality. except firries are 1000 times worse in some people's eyes, so it makes it funny to them.

maybe because they're the biggest embarrassment of the human species and makes us look like total loving wrecks as americans, and they spread their stuff everywhere and annoy people with it. for example, remember when awesomebread2 used to brag about his internet identity as some stuffty tree and paid 100-300 dollars for a painting of him and his fictional gay boyfriend? they make us look terrible, hell i stuff you not japan/china even looks more professional than us right now. firries fap to some drawing that they imagined in their head. they deserved it.
everyone has right to their own opinion, i didnt come here to attack you, i came here to debate and make my thoughts fly out of my head on the situation. back on topic;i think some people cant handle when they have to deal with the thought that 30,000+ people that dress up in a fictional costume and waltz into a gay orgy, sure im going to look portrayed as a terrible human being that finds homoloveuality and people dressed up in tree costumes terrifyingly disgusting, but everyone can have their own thoughts. im pretty sure if you wanted a cancer to not be leaked because of how disgustingly annoying and overused it is, you wouldn't want it to exist at all really. for example: selfies.
same, but i find it funny because of the fact that they go to some stuffty convention to stare at drawings of people they aren't every year, its like being confused of your loveuality. except firries are 1000 times worse in some people's eyes, so it makes it funny to them.

Overly complicated reply, is overly complicated.

i'd still bang.

W-What?? shame on you for wanting something for yourself!1111

be who you want to be

other than like Riddler i guess

I really don't see an issue with being trans. If you want to change what's been given to you, you should be able to without ridicule.

i guess be who you want to be, idgaf
tranloveuality is a mental illness tho

be who you want to be

other than like Riddler i guess
Yeah, be Stalin instead!