Author Topic: CHILL AF AS forget REVAMPED  (Read 3378 times)

i play vidya games and sometimes also play vidya games

sometimes i remember when i had a life but then i play vidya games instead

but when i'm not playing vidya games im chilling af ass forget with vidya games

I've been practicing pistol only in Insurgency. Being way faster than everyone is really fun.

what are you looking for?
mercedes and lexus mainly
maybe bmw

school ended 3 weeks ago and i only went out today to do stuff

oh and im going up on a trip to a mountain resort tomorrow and for the rest of the weekend so thats going to be fun, pretty chill here

I almost got dumped by my gf today and yesterday because of a misunderstanding but we're both chill now.

pretty not chill rn

i feel more chill now
i started cleaning our stuffhole of a room so i feel productive
brick wont help though. lazy forget

got invited to join the kool kids klub recently, they're cool and they play a lot of pranks but for some reason all of their pranks are focused on black people, so i dont know if i want to join

Just ordered a Surface 3. :D

got invited to join the kool kids klub recently, they're cool and they play a lot of pranks but for some reason all of their pranks are focused on black people, so i dont know if i want to join
I think you should seize the opportunity :D

Will be missing shark week, again.

So not so chill