Author Topic: Buying New Laptop  (Read 1099 times)

so, I've decided that since I'm going to be making bank on coop in the fall, I might as well spend some of the money from my summer internship last summer

basically, budget is $2400 for a gaming laptop
currently using an alienware m14x, looking at buying the alienware m15x

Upgrading from a $1900 laptop to a $2400 one??? What job are you going to have exactly

Upgrading from a $1900 laptop to a $2400 one??? What job are you going to have exactly
my current laptop is ~2 years old now, and I'm going to be programming for coop for 6 months
and my laptop was $1.5k I think, not $1.9k

Well damn
Should be good tho
I dunno much about price to performance so someone else should get on that

lol I just got a low-end laptop today and I'm pretty happy.

I'd just need it for homework and studying a programming language or something

also what's "coop"?
it's basically a program in college that allows you to work a job in your field of study while you're in the last year of study, allows you to get real experience in the field and possibly a job afterwards if you did well enough and the company wants to hire you permanently

ahh, nice. op's livin the fancy life lol

Please don't buy an Alienware...

Never used this before, but plenty of my friends and people on this forum have said good things about it.

Alienware is kind of blah but the Graphics Amplifier kind of makes it worth it if you are dumping assloads of money on your system and are gaming at home a lot.

also what's "coop"?
As said, it's part of college, but I'm going to have three separate coops since I'm on a five year plan at Drexel

Please don't buy an Alienware...
but no reason as to why not?
I've had experience with using alienware laptops, and they run pretty well and reliably
I like the design and don't mind the price