Author Topic: Nightbringer and his admins' terrible administration  (Read 616 times)

I was checking out Nightbringer's Apoc RP, and invited my friends, Carmel and CherryGrenadez. We were in a skype call, and after a long time we all loaded in. I asked night to fix a bug, and he fixed it, which moved me to another spawnpoint. My friends, in my skype call, were still in the city we were in when they tried to ambush two guys (NeededFour88 and (probobaly) Nightbringer, two of the admins on the server) and got killed. They're new to RP servers, and they did try to RDM them, but after that the two guys kept on killing them whenever they saw them, which is "failRP". Eventually, the two guys came to the 'Wastelanders' (Default team) spawnpoint and spawnkilled them repeatedly, until I found them and and ran them over with my car. I picked them up, but right before we got out of the place my friends got banned.

So here's how it went, starting from right after I killed the two NeededFour88 and Nightbringer (Or possibly somebody else, though I'm pretty sure it was him):

For "fun"? That's one of the worst reasons I've ever heard for someone to get banned.

I had clipped through the gate of a military base that said 'You do not have permission to enter' with a car, I have no idea what Needed was talking about with finding somebody.

Rekhyt and Nightbringer pretty much admitted to themselves being terrible administrators right here.

I could care less about the fact that me and my friend got banned for an hour; he just wouldn't give me a good answer as to why he would my friends. He and his admins are really crappy at doing their job.


I do see what is going on here, Nightbringer did do a wrong here.

For Night if he happens to have a forums account;

Banning 'For Fun' is going to get you on a 'No Admin' or [if this continues.] a 'remove from server if [X] joins the server.' list. [X] being the name of a blocklander, not anyone in general.

I was Snack Nsack Chocolate, I confirm this happened, GMO was just asking a simple question and night just says "it's only an hour", up until a ban.