Author Topic: Builder's USSR Application  (Read 5540 times)

I really don't know what to say here. I don't think it's quite USSR material... But its pretty damn close. Surprise us with another more interesting build if you can.

Yeah, I'm basically on the 50/50 line with the others.  I hate to say this, since it's kind of a cop-out answer and I know how totally unsatisfying it is (I got the same thing for my cathedral a while back :p) but could you show/build some other cool stuff?

In terms of actual commentary, I'm kind of bummed with the direction you took the main hall; in addition I think the courtyard could use a lot more structure in terms of layout and just general clarity (paths, etc.)  The interiors generally seem to look pretty sweet, and are decently atmospheric, although it's tough to tell since I haven't walked around in it and haven't seen the ceilings.  I guess I'm a little disappointed in the direction you took it, overall, but you definitely have skill as a builder.

And yeah, less with the dup, like Ronin said.

zomg! where did you get the flat bricks for the well?????????

zomg! where did you get the flat bricks for the well?????????

Those are just normal print bricks. You find them in the very bottom of the flats section.

hmmm......guess I never realised how flat they were......ty for telling me  :cookieMonster:

Yeah it's just not good enough for USSR sorry.

Wow, All i have to say is...Have you guys forgotten what a great build is?
This is not my expectations of a USSR member. Also, USSR members are known to be somewhat mature, and smart. Builder is everything except mature. Sure, you have potential, i'm not saying your build is totally sucky, i am insulting all of these trolling friends because they are rating it like 9 out of 10.

I didn't rate it at all.

Wow, All i have to say is...Have you guys forgotten what a great build is?
This is not my expectations of a USSR member. Also, USSR members are known to be somewhat mature, and smart. Builder is everything except mature. Sure, you have potential, i'm not saying your build is totally sucky.
I think hes said what I've been trying to say best.

Wow, All i have to say is...Have you guys forgotten what a great build is?
This is not my expectations of a USSR member. Also, USSR members are known to be somewhat mature, and smart. Builder is everything except mature. Sure, you have potential, i'm not saying your build is totally sucky.
I think hes said what I've been trying to say best.

Finally someone agrees.

I wanted to say that, but so many people get critical when we deny people's builds like that.

Cold hard facts hurt.

Wow, All i have to say is...Have you guys forgotten what a great build is?
This is not my expectations of a USSR member. Also, USSR members are known to be somewhat mature, and smart. Builder is everything except mature. Sure, you have potential, i'm not saying your build is totally sucky, i am insulting all of these trolling friends because they are rating it like 9 out of 10.

 You say I am not mature.. pfff i let you in my server and gave you build trust a a few weeks ago you destroyed my builds with wand. Then recently maybe like yesterday i tried to join your server and it said i was banned. The ban reason was go suck a retarted gimps richard.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2008, 04:40:41 PM by Builder »



Too bad i didn't ban you for that reason, my ban reasons are much better.

Partizan did.
I unbanned you.