Builder's USSR Application

Author Topic: Builder's USSR Application  (Read 5566 times)

Well here it is i am finally done. There are alot of pictures and if any of them dont work or they are repeated please tell me. Also you may rate out of 10 or give cookies i dont care. But i hope i get in is all i can say and i hope you all enjoyed. Oh and lasty SUMz i built the sheep for you  :cookieMonster:


Well thats all i hope i get in and thanks for looking.

Looks much better than it did in the progress shots. Glad you spent the time refining it. I have no idea what USSR will think of it, but as far as russian buildings go, I know that a lot of their prized architecture in places like Moscow have a lot of colourful shapes in their big buildings. This should fit the theme. I won't rate, just because I'd rather see what others put first. Good luck!

Looks much better than it did in the progress shots. Glad you spent the time refining it. I have no idea what USSR will think of it, but as far as russian buildings go, I know that a lot of their prized architecture in places like Moscow have a lot of colourful shapes in their big buildings. This should fit the theme. I won't rate, just because I'd rather see what others put first. Good luck!

Thanks by the way i love your little hampster avatar that reminds me of my hampster i use to have when i was 8.

The first few screenshots don't really do it justice... but I actually really liked this build. We'll have to find out what the other comrades think before we can let you in though.

I don't exactly know what they are looking for, but i'll say good luck, you have a great chance

I don't think this is USSR material.
Adding detail doesn't mean to make a bunch of random small bricks and ramps.

I don't think this is USSR material.
Adding detail doesn't mean to make a bunch of random small bricks and ramps.
you said that last time..

To be honest I'm slightly disappointed, I expected more than a few scattered simple buildings and some macro'd sheep and trees.

To be honest I'm slightly disappointed, I expected more than a few scattered simple buildings and some macro'd sheep and trees.

Sorry i could not meet your needs but it was a huge space i kind of wanted to make like a mini town. And another reason i think is that i dont know if i could have filled up that whole space with just fountains and plants alone.

I would agree with diggy that the pictures don't do it justice. It is a very interesting build. I like the planning he took before and during the construction. However, I was expecting more buildings in the open space. I would agree with Diggy again though, that I do like this build.

And most of all, I like the build, but to see how fast and how far builder has grown from building, from him submitting different apps to get into tbc, to the lv app, to the USSR app, he certainly can build, and I believe that he will continue to get better and better in the presents of the other USSR members.

Good luck Builder.

I don't think this is USSR material.
Adding detail doesn't mean to make a bunch of random small bricks and ramps.
you said that last time..

So? He didn't listen to me before, and i bet he wont again.

sweet. you should try the high res screenshot thing

im not sure how to use it, but it makes brick busy pics like this prettier

So? He didn't listen to me before, and i bet he wont again. 

frager i dont care what you say you are and always have been mean to me.I gave you building rights in my server and i said you wanted to help and what do you do, you hit the bottom brick of my highschool i was making, that made my day....