Author Topic: BLC 2015 :: Event cancelled. Sorry guys. (Page 9 or see OP)  (Read 12643 times)

If you're still wanting a booth stay tuned because I may be able to squeeze in a few more booths.

Can you try to squeeze me in for an add-on booth, sometime?

Give honno a booth he's a cool cat

Players who will be helping out with the booth (Names & BL_IDs please; maximum of 3): CheeseAndButter and Meta_KnightX
Let me grab out our BLIDs:

Meta_KnightX - 44256

CheeseAndButter - 45175

There we go

EDIT: I am afraid I cannot go to it though, so I may not be able to be a helper... :(
« Last Edit: July 15, 2015, 12:03:31 PM by Meta_KnightX »

im not coming if there is ticket and vip bullstuff
Tickets were already nerfed. VIP is for helpers; please excuse me for rewarding people for helping out with the event.

Can you try to squeeze me in for an add-on booth, sometime?
Yikes, I'm low on room. I'll see what I can do though.

Let me grab out our BLIDs:

Meta_KnightX - 44256

CheeseAndButter - 45175

There we go

EDIT: I am afraid I cannot go to it though, so I may not be able to be a helper... :(
I've already got your IDs, Nom gave me them. Thanks anyways!

Also, sorry you may not be able to attend. May I ask if it's a timezone issue or just a bad weekend for you?

I didn't get one
Oops, I sent one to superjeepboy and not you. Expect a PM soon.

Yikes, I'm low on room. I'll see what I can do though.

Well you could always make more room, it is Blockland after all ;)

Thought about something awhile back like this, glad to see someone actually doing it.

Outdoor booths are a thing.

Well you could always make more room, it is Blockland after all ;)

2 simple options:
1 - ravencroft gives up his booth for whatever reason and you can have it
2 - I can replace the final game with a seating area and put your booth there.

2 seems like the better option, you might get more notice there anyways.

2 simple options:
1 - ravencroft gives up his booth for whatever reason and you can have it
2 - I can replace the final game with a seating area and put your booth there.

2 seems like the better option, you might get more notice there anyways.

Sure, I could take option #2. It seems to be able to fit a URL with prints quite nicely. Most of the stuff we would present would be through centerprints if a user clicks on buttons, because the WIP addon is more of a framework, and doesn't really have any physical representation in Blockland.

It kinda sounds boring, but we might present it in a better way, I don't know yet. Im really just doing this for fun, because why not.

He can have mine. I'm on vacation til the beginning of August and I don't wanna rush to make it.

He can have mine

Or maybe that, if someone else needs a big booth.

Also, I don't see why we need to submit our saves a month prior to the actual event. Why cant we submit it in August, that still gives you plenty of time.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2015, 02:11:52 PM by Honno »

I have the deadline in place because the trailer and new topic are coming out August 1st with all the info on the event needed; maps, pictures, schedule, etc.

Unless I just dump the pictures of the expo hall idea until the "new" booth deadline. I still would like most of the booths done by the 20th tho.

Also, sorry you may not be able to attend. May I ask if it's a timezone issue or just a bad weekend for you?
On that weekend, I go to my dads, where my usual home is 30 min. away, I MAY get to get on my dad's PC to play some, we can come and see, I was excited to come!
My parents are divorced...
« Last Edit: July 15, 2015, 03:46:14 PM by Meta_KnightX »

Might I add Blake forget to make a default colorset that everyone would have built in.

Please reply to this post (only if you are leading your booth) with the colorset you are using right now. We can decide a medium or the one that everyone/most/majority of you are using and give people time to repaint their booths.

If you /must/ have a certain selection of colors, I suppose arrangements can be made for a custom colorset.

Might I add Blake forget to make a default colorset that everyone would have built in.

Please reply to this post (only if you are leading your booth) with the colorset you are using right now. We can decide a medium or the one that everyone/most/majority of you are using and give people time to repaint their booths.

If you /must/ have a certain selection of colors, I suppose arrangements can be made for a custom colorset.
I'm usin default